Rawness of Reality

Creative Catalyst - Andrew Chris #027

Kevin Stalker Season 1 Episode 27

In this episode, you have the opportunity to meet Andrew Chris. Andrew Chris is a musician, entrepreneur, & general good friend to have.

Starting his creative journey on the guitar at age 9, he has always passionately pursued the things that interest him… and a lot interests him.

15 years later, Andrew has released 12 albums and played in over 20 live bands. He’s filled up 5 hard drives and decimated about 300 drum sticks. Following his passion for being a catalyst for anyone interested in making content, Andrew founded On Tap TV LLC where he coordinates a baker’s dozen of creatives around the country to make the world’s most refreshing content.

It’s hard to keep track of everything Andrew does. He builds guitar pedals from scratch, he produces music for countless acts, he films and edits video and designs cover art.
Did I mention he also works a 50 hour a week day job?

Check out some of Andrew’s content:

-Solo music, which you can peep here:
-A deep-dive crash course on 20th century music, which you can watch here:
-And a movie breakdown series:

IG: @ders.ontap https://www.instagram.com/ders.ontap/
Twitter: @ders_ontap https://twitter.com/ders_ontap

Be on the lookout for Andrew’s band after the coronavirus madness ends. They go by “Andrew Chris & thefukitupfam”.

Host: @kstalker9

Beats: @josephj_callahan

Don't forget to subscribe, follow us on Instagram @_rawnessofreality, Snapchat @Rawnessreality, and Twitter @rawreality_

Remember, Stay Raw with Reality.

spk_0:   0:00
overall, you need to enjoy what you're doing, no matter what. I'm not really a ah artists or anything. But even if I sit down and try to make like, graphic art, that's doing something, it doesn't even have to be a big goal that you set and you need to reach. It's like, OK, I want to make something today one. Should we try to D'oh!

spk_1:   0:18
Welcome Tepes of 0 to 7 for rawness of reality, I'm your host, Kevin Stock, And then this episode you have the opportunity to meet Andrew. Chris Andrew Chris is a musician, entrepreneur and general, good friend, tohave. He started his creative journey with the guitar at the age of nine, and he's passionately pursued the things that interested and trust me a lot of things interesting. During this episode, you can expect Andrew Chris to talk about what on tak TV is how it's been working from home for the past year and what artists and Pittsburgh he'll be working with next. Also, he talks about what it was like meeting some famous people like West, Khalifa said. The kid put enough from me. Here's Andrew Chris, a big shout out having Andrew Chris on rawness of reality today. Yo, So, Andrew, let's hear a little bit about yourself from your self.

spk_0:   1:16
So, uh, first of all, thank you for having me in your quarantine department. Um, it's pretty crazy what's happening? So I, uh, I've been a musician for God maybe 15 years. Mostly guitarists have. Ah, I've been in a couple bands throughout the times I produced for a lot of people. Um, I also work a day job at a software company. I went to Pitt. I love Pittsburgh. Been here for six years now grow up in the Poconos. And ah, that's who I am.

spk_1:   1:46
Okay, so that's that's who you are and some things about you. So I'd love to know when you first. When we first chatted about having you on rawness of reality, I found out you were a producer, and I personally don't understand what producers always do. I know you guys are some of the most valuable positions in the music industry. Coming from your perspective, what is it producer does and brings to the table.

spk_0:   2:19
That's a very good question. So the word producer has changed meeting over the past 50 years probably 20 times men's. Now we're at a state where producer beans, all of those things at the same time. Maybe because there are no other titles or that's just the easiest one to name because you're probably doing all of the things where it used to be. One person would set up to record the bands, and that was their specialty. Now you have to do that, plus all of the other stuff, and you don't have to pay money to be in a studio to do that anymore. So now a producer to me can be Let's just say any of the following. It could be the person who makes the beat. It could be the person who physically records the bends. It could be the audio engineer that mixes or masters it. It could even be the guy that just gets everyone together or pays money for them. Tow, practice, record whatever. And the other crazy thing is to a lot of artists are their own producer now, um, so it even blends a little bit more to because if you're if you're recording your own voice, but you're doing things yourself. Technically, you're a producer as well, but, um, my version of a producer would be I create music and I create video stuff. But I also kind of collaborate other people and coordinate,

spk_1:   3:40
Okay. And being a producer, you handle a bunch of different jobs within each project. Do you Do you take on multiple projects at a time, or is that difficult to do because you're handling so many different hats?

spk_0:   4:01
So, um, I wish I could handle less, honestly, but the way I function is usually I'll have an idea. I'll start it. And then I call them like, little buckets. So if I make So, for example, let me tell you about what I'm working on right now. So I had a couple of Maur r and B style like Elektronik not electronic, but not live instruments. Then I have another bucket for Okay, this is more of a rock genre. This is more of a mixed between hip hop and live instruments, or like, a blues album or something. So they're kind of in the same category of Okay, I want to start something now. Okay. I wanna work on something now. Okay. I want to finish something now, but I always have, at least for my own music, like four projects at all times. And that gets me in trouble a couple most of the time, actually. But I I look at it like I work from home, and I do music from home, too. So that's already having all of those as a balancing act. So why can't I just do that with production, too, you know? And then always producing other stuff for So I used to be an intern. Used to be an intern at a place called Music Industry Connected, and I ended up producing for her in the past two years pretty exclusively. So I'll do stuff for Emily. Um, I'll do stuff for myself. I'll even just help other people Where I'm not involved in the process will help the mix it. I'll have them strategize anything like that. And where

spk_1:   5:30
did this love and eagerness to get into producing even begin

spk_0:   5:35
accidentally? Probably. Um, happy accident. Yeah. So, uh, we might as well start with why I wanted to start playing guitar. So my sister, who's five years older than me, loved going to vans Warped tour. I was too young to go toe anything like that. My parents would take me to, like, a deep purple show in places like that, which was awesome. And I always kind of so everyone looking at the guitarist saying like, Wow, that is probably the coolest person I've ever met so instantly. I was interested in it. My sister came in my room window and she was like, Do you want to get a guitar together? By the time we actually got one, she she didn't really have interest anymore. So that was markets are we went to walmart, Got it for 100 bucks, and there was a keyboard, a drum set in my basement. Um, kind of just passed the time with it for a while and then, um, had Ben's in high school just cause I was, like, the cool thing to do. Plus, it was awesome. So you were in bands? Yeah. Okay. Yep. Yeah, I was actually in a band with Jake. Wear a in eighth grade. I think we started then all throughout high school until someone showed me what music software waas and immediately I went OK, I don't need a bends in my free time to like be able to Jim, that was pretty much my only priority because we used to just spend so much time jamming on instruments that when I realized, like, I remember watching do you know they Ah, hey ah, video by outcasts Where it's all him, like all around doing everything I was like, Wow! So does he have a bands? And my sister was like, No, no, he did it all and not always stuck with me. So the moment he showed me that I was like, All right, I will see you guys in five years because I'm locking myself in a room and that's that's probably the right answer. I just found a way to jam with myself. And then I figured out that I could help other people figure their way through that, Um, whether that's adding something to it or just bringing them through the process. You

spk_1:   7:33
know, this whole creative process in which you kind of accidentally fell into really has turned into something that you love and something that you're currently still doing each day. I'd like to talk a little bit more your your channel on YouTube, who it's tap tap TV

spk_0:   7:52
on tops. Even

spk_1:   7:52
tapped, sir. I was looking through it. Some of your videos. Really interesting.

spk_0:   7:57
Thank you, sir. Like I I am really interested. Just even your editing. Yeah, Thank

spk_1:   8:01
you. Now more than ever. I know this is for me anyway, but we only have, like, a couple of seconds to really look at something watching your videos. I was able to really just kind of, like, lock in and watch him, because there's always, like, something new going on. Yeah. Yeah. And you're very informative with your facts. So I did appreciate it. You your recent segments have been about the fuzz

spk_0:   8:26
pedals, those pedals. Yeah, I didn't know what

spk_1:   8:28
a false panel was before that. There you go. Yeah, did help me. And then I also appreciate your, uh, fucking great movie.

spk_0:   8:37
Oh, yeah, that's the Siri's Blank is fucking genius. That was like the cabinet of Dr Caligari. Bicycle dances? Yeah, the office one So underrated.

spk_1:   8:48
I watched a few of those two, and I just I think you're perspective on the world is very interesting. And I think you think outside of the box while being outside the box and I think that speaks volumes to your character. That being said, how then do you find the time to do this stuff like you're helping people produced? You're producing your music. You have your YouTube channel. Like I just I just want to know where. How do you find the time? Because we're in a time period of people are always on the go, and and they're always freaking out about things, and it's like they feel like they can't get anything done. But you're accomplishing things that you set out for yourself. Who so I'd I'd like to know from your perspective, pre corn team. How this work, then, If it's affected you after, you can hit on that.

spk_0:   9:40
Yeah. Okay, So I asked myself that question every day pretty much. And that's my secret. Is that I'm always figuring it out. If I fight, No, the plan before hands. Then you reach spots where you go. Okay. I don't really want to do this right now. I have to go. I told this person I'll go meet them here for two hours, and I'd rather in the three hours I have here, do this, you know, ends the whole point of that. Siri's too was kind of. I'd probably be spending time explaining this to people anyway, that I work with. So why don't I just put down as a short video like condensed? The best way to say it ends Even. You said you talked about the editing, too. So the ah, visuals. I wanted to look like if I Googled images and just, like, not not just show them it, but also explains it and said like, Okay, this is kind of an interesting shot. So I wanted I wanted to make it look like the Internet and almost like a power point and yeah,

spk_1:   10:44
yeah, the images combined. They hit you pretty quick.

spk_0:   10:46
Yeah, that kept me engaged. Yeah. And yeah, The other thing about that, too, is I always seem to do those when I mean to do something else. So they kind of just fall into place because I did the research for, like, a year, probably. And I wrote all the episodes I'm about halfway through it, and sometimes it was just so easy. Like, I remember being in high school when you were really into a one game in particular. Like, I'll use Carmazzi exactly. There you go when you're in class like third period, you're in biology or something. They're teaching her about how sponges filter and you're just like, fuck, I really wantto go check out this part of sky Room. It's like that for me. Like if you could figure out what that thing is, no matter what you're doing, how busy you are if you could figure out the thing you really, really want to do during the day and just find the time to make the time to do it, too. That's probably the answer to that question, but and again, I ask myself that every single day. And

spk_1:   11:44
so you did say that you work from home and we are experiencing a really weird time. Ridiculous society really does go out there to everyone affected negatively affected by this virus and the pandemic. But here in Pittsburgh isn't as serious yet, but we all are in quarantine and a lot of people are working from home and things alike. You already work from home. What is this pandemic like in your world?

spk_0:   12:19
So it's funny. I we have office in the North Shore right next to PNC Park. I only have to go there. Maybe you like once a week or twice a week. Um, if that so Monday was the day where everyone was working from home. I had to go into the office for once. Could someone's first day What a first day toe have on that day? Where everyone? Yeah. So, um otherwise, it's It's pretty interesting because I'm seeing everyone reacts to the way I usually do things. So I've been posting funny things on Twitter, like, uh, work from home Tip number 138 if you really have. Ah, well, mostly phrasing. I want to get strong if you have a brewing or Nope. If you have a bubbling coffee shit brewing about to blow the polite way to say that on a video chat is I need a bio break and, like, those are just things I never thought about that I've picked up on. Other people say, um, but it's interesting to see people after two days. Um, I mean, they were even complaining the on Monday to they just like, I don't like this. I don't like this at all, but, um, I kind of like it Thio. I found that I work way more efficiently when I'm working from home. Thio, Um, but the even for a company that usually works from home like there's some people that are throughout the country, so they always technically work from home, even us, like we're distracted. It's hell. We're still trying to, like do work. But still, there's just so many ah different things that are coming out all the time. And it's so interesting to you just want to, like, know the newest thing and everything. But it really is crazy, though,

spk_1:   13:56
are connected. Society kind of makes it that were year to know what's next with those noon. What's fresh, Uh, but with the world kind of on like a pause, it seems, is this. If a lot of people are on pause in the way that they're not really indulging into life as they normally would because they can't, they're told not to go out. They're told not to be in groups larger than 10. They told not to, so I kind of enjoy the things that you could do outside things alike. But wouldn't you say this kind of opens the door to refocus your energy internally? and look at yourself inward and kind of refocus and redefine who you are. And maybe you've been doing that, Uh, but I think it's a good opportunity for those who have

spk_0:   14:44
absolutely going back to the previous topic, too. Working from home is always interesting because you are you. Everything you do is up to you. There's there's no one looking over your back being like, Oh, are you working right now? You have to make it excuse toe, go get coffee cause you just need to stop thinking for five minutes. So anything that removes the rest of everything you're used to for like, a tough situation, like a hectic day at work. You know, being able to do that at home, talking thio people when you need them. Thio It's all so much more efficient. It shows you how to be better at work. It shows you how you could fill in your time that you'd be wasting otherwise with better stuff and for your own stuff or just, um, like my job, I I balanced dozens of things all at once, so there's always something to d'oh, you know, if I have three days from now I need to do this, I'll start working on that. And if I don't feel like doing that for an hour, I'll just sit down and do something else. You know, um, and even, um, take like, a lunch, watch a video or something, but being trapped inside of the same place that you spends the night, your work and whatever you're gonna do after work, I already do that all the time. And it definitely you're definitely on to something. It shows you who you are, how you could adjust your processes and everything. Have you been adjusting to like Okay,

spk_1:   16:13
so for me, I work full time in a restaurant so currently unemployed, and it actually, at first I was like, holy crap like I am, I'm screwed. Then I really thought I took a step back and I was like, All right, let's be real. Let's let's think, uh, I'm not spirited like I can make this work in one. I got all this time that I can, like, really work on things that I want to create. And there's like days where I'm in a restaurant for date, like multiple days for like, 78 12 hours, and I'm not doing anything productive except for working in the restaurant. You know, sometimes I bring a book and I don't get in trouble from management. Other than that, I can't really do anything productively. Yeah. So I am really thankful for this time. That may sound weird to some people.

spk_0:   17:04
I know what you mean. Yeah,

spk_1:   17:05
but I I do see this as a blessing in disguise for me, in particular for my situation, because I have this eagerness to indulgent to my creative passions, my writing and my outreach. And I think this gives me time to really focus and internalize what it is that I'm truly creating and putting out there to the world. So I think for for me this could be very beneficial for my life going forward. So

spk_0:   17:38
what? I've been working on during it too.

spk_1:   17:39
Okay, so, uh, during it, it's it's kind of picking up what I've been working on since this past year. One. My podcast. Making sure it's professional is driving the point of what the goal of behind the podcast is, which is connecting People showcasing stories and people for who they are writing my poetry. Really really indulging in my words and writing not just how I feel but the world around me within the poetry, you know, kind of writing visual elements that I can one day create in tow video and put him out there for people to also indulgent and also reading. I've been reading a lot. Yeah, denies seller reading. And that is something I've been I've started about three years ago, I started picking up books again. I didn't read for a while, but about three years ago, I really started picking up books and reading again, and I'd say the past, like, year and 1/2 I've really been reading. And these It's kind of like All right, so let's say you got you got an axe with you, right? And you go to the woods and you're like, Damn, that is a big ass treat. Well, the only way you're gonna knock down this fucking tree, this this big tree in front of you is you're gonna take that action, you're gonna keep wacky. And so you chipping away anymore, keep chipping away. And so what I'm doing is I'm chipping away. I know things that I want to accomplish. I believe that we all have goals in our life that we want to accomplish and that we think once we get to will have achieved success. I agree with that to a degree. But with those goals, I think it's the sub goals. The small little victor, you get overtime ding, ding, ding ding The ones that you didn't necessarily know where even victories at the time that create that over our jingle. Absolutely. So that's kind of my mindset with the whole thing And being like told I can't go into the restaurant, I am, I afraid, Yes, I was a little I was I was fearful of the situation at hand, but with some thought I was very eager to experience this time.

spk_0:   19:53
I'd like to think about in a similar right to so Thea chipping away part, Um, we were talking about how to balance a bunch of things at the same time. If you focus on Okay. I started this. This was the results. Compare the two. Should I do that again? Should I not do that? Um, that will lead you nowhere if you enjoy the process of as you said going up to the tree and just like doing your old might work, you have to figure it out like you need to fail to figure out howto hit it better. Some some days you make a lot of, um, headway on it and everything, but just overall, you need to enjoy what you're doing, no matter what. Like I'm not really a ah liken artist or anything. But even if I sit down and try to make, like, graphic art, that's doing something, you know. So, um, it doesn't even have to be a big goal that you set and you need to reach. It's like, OK, I want to make something today. One. Should we try to d'oh Go on photo shop like figure it out, fail miserably, deleted. Don't do anything with it. You know, that's the whole point. Think about someone who's addicted to playing a guitar so they always have it right here that pick it up. They play it for a little bit. They put it back down. Did they accomplish something? Absolutely. Did they make anything out of it? That was like a goal? No, but I like to look at it the same way for anything. So I'll use music software. For example. I'll open that I'll play it like an instrument and just put it back down. Didn't have a goal in months, but the Goldmans was to sit down and figure out this, like, toy around with it. Played like an instrument, you know, so chipping away.

spk_1:   21:34
Okay, So since you've been working at home for a year, uh, your quote unquote a veteran Ugh! To those who have just started, do you have any, like tips or tricks? Like genuine tips and tricks that would actually work for some people,

spk_0:   21:49
I would sum, are funny and meaningless. Some are deep ends, very meaningful. I would say Number one being you're a microphone on your computer ends on Zoom. Very important you do that. I've seen people crash and burn that way. Um, number two. There's a thin line between reaching out to your coworkers toe try toe. Involve more people because if you're in a room with people, it's like there's a team going on there already. And when you start talking to someone, you you bring in 1/3 person. People are hearing it. They're gonna come in, like if they could help it all. So you need to initiate that when you're working from home. But there's a fine line between when you reach out to people. And, um, you're either gonna speed it up or slow down. So knowing the right person to head up, um, the right way to phrase it efficiently, that is your best friends. If you include the wrong people, they're just gonna not read it. They're going to send back like a random thing. Oh, I'm sorry to read the entire thing like so that is your friends. The other tip, I would say, If you wake up, stay in the same room the entire day, just walk around the block just like make it a point to stick your head out the window. That will do wonders, I promise. You know, it's crazy, too. So most my family lives in New York City. My uncle sent us a picture this morning of a subway downtown with not a single person on it, he said. There's no cabs. There are no people walking rounds, which is ridiculous for New York City by other friends. In L. A sent me a picture of trader Joe's everything on the shelves completely

spk_1:   23:25
gone and see. It does seem like this is happening in cities where where it's like bigger cities and there's more hysteria surrounding it

spk_0:   23:36
makes sense to

spk_1:   23:37
it doesn't make sense. It's not really happening here in Pittsburgh, but then again, we don't really know, and I'm no expert on this, so I don't want to talk too much about life literally trajectory of this virus. But we don't know where it's going. If it's slowing down and speeding up, we don't know yet. And you and I both could be carrying it. At this moment. We don't know. I hope

spk_0:   23:56
we both are, because if one of us were, that would suck. But both of us are its equal. You're right,

spk_1:   24:06
you're right, and all right, so let's not turn this a little bit back. I want to talk a little bit more about your music, and we're going on a track. Currently with are pretty popular artistry allowed to talk about who it is. Yeah, sure, Cool. So you're working on the track with Benjy? What's that like working with Benji and the creative process between both of you?

spk_0:   24:28
So his his friend growing up. Actually, I used to work with, and we would always go out during breaks and just, like, shoot the shit, Whatever. And, um, I saw him at a few shows, one in particular. I'd like to tell the story real quick because instantly earned respect for Benjy. So have you ever been to the bush? No. Before when it was the Bush? No,

spk_1:   24:49
I have not.

spk_0:   24:50
So it's up in North Oakland's. Um, I also met my girlfriend there who like I have plans with for quite a while. We'll say so shouts out to the bush now. But we went back there and it was pretty pretty crowded. It's like in a basement. You could get up the stairs, you could go out the back door and everything, but particularly on this night, it was pretty crowded. A girl as Benji was performing just like passed out, fell like straight on the floor. I wait. I think she was on a little thing, maybe five feet up and fell down face first. Immediately. He was like, All right, stop the show. Someone call number one. We all need to get out of the way. We got that situation settled in like, a minute. So shots out to bend you for that. But then through talking to his friends and, um, here in his music and everything, I, uh, actually got the pleasure to meet Nate Fox. He invited us over to RD labs. Even a fox. He produced acid rap. He produced all of, like, Donny Trump. It's stuff. He works with Francis and the lights over. Um, he's the go to producer for chance. Um, he sent something on Twitter to someone that my friends knew and he hit me up. He was like, Do you want to go to this? So we went there not like maybe five people in the room. They all left. And then it was just us three. Nate ends his friends. Nate was one of the Kanda Suman human beings have ever met Ends. It was crazy because his whole point was I want to show some beets. I'm not using toe local artists. He was playing some beats and then he would play. Um, I'm allowed to say this, too, because he said, it's fun. Childish. Gambino and Chance have been done with their collaborative album for a year and 1/2 now, and nothing has been done with it. So he was playing that he played a song with Isaiah Rashad that he produced, Um, and my mom was just blown. And then nonchalantly, he goes back into other beats and he's like, All right, you want any of these? And they sounded the same as the other one. So I picked the one that had the guitar on him. Kell picks one that was more like how showy and start I picked one that was more, Ah, like our envy, which speaks everything to who us three are. Um, so when I had an open verse, I was like, Who deserves to have a feature on this? And the only person I hit up was Benji, so but

spk_1:   27:13
it's so that's really cool being in his position. Eight. Fox.

spk_0:   27:18
He's from Pittsburgh, apparently to

spk_1:   27:20
being from Pittsburgh, but having this type of success where he's able to kind of come back and I'd really like Pittsburgh, artists will be on these beets and getting you guys involved. That's that's really cool.

spk_0:   27:33
Yeah, extremely humbling. Every so I have stories about meeting Wiz Mac, the Internet, Casey veggies ends, then Nate and King. Cruel. They're all good stories, so I'll start with, um, I'll go in order. So, please, we, uh Do you know Isaiah Small? He went to do Kate's, right? Yeah. So I used to play drums for him for, like, years. Um, and Jake and him were roommates, so we always used to go out in a friendship session. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, um, we were opening up for the internet. We sold 51 ticket somehow, even though they only gave us 50. Still don't know what happened there, but we had $1 that we made from doing the show. By the way, when I say it comes back and he throws the dollar between us, and he's like, all right, our dividends. The backstage of Mr Smalls is not that much bigger than this room. There's there's, like, a little corner over here. We put our gear, I put my backpack. I put my, um, like, all my stuff. Right. There was a chair right here. No one was in there when we got in, right? We sound checks. We came back, we were standing in the front, and then I walked back. Sitting in that chair was whisked Khalifa, who looks up at me and he's like It's up, fam, literally, again, like the point I'm saying for meeting all of these people Every time I meet one of these people, it's so humbling how chill they are, like they actually want to talk to you more than people you normally meet, which, like that taught me so much about how to just talk to any stranger, how to talk to any anyone, whether it's a musician or just someone you're waiting at the bus stop with, you know? So I asked ah, me and was talked about what made us first wantto play music and everything. Um, and interestingly enough, it was both of our dads showed us old stuff that we he said the same thing as me. Actually, it was like I was interested in who they were and what they were doing. So I figured I had, like, I need to learn how to do that, you know? So he was He was very, very chill. Um, do you remember when the snapshot filters first came out where you hold her face and it like changes I watched someone explain that to him, which I think that was my favorite part of the entire time. He was. So my blown, Um, then said the kid who's the singer of the Internet, she's somewhat responsible for Odd Futures entire existence. So she had the studio already with this band, the Internet, who was Max backing bands, Um, part of our future. And they were the most answer with people ever as well. So during sound Check said, was kind of just standing in the in the open space there, and I walked up there was like this up like I'm a big fan and instantly she brought the conversation to Lego. So, like, What are you up to like, What's Pittsburgh like? So, do you know what the Hi hat is by chance on the drum set, the thing that, like it clasps together over here. Yeah, so that was invented in Pittsburgh by a woman in the Great Depression because they were too loud as symbols to keep up with a broken trumpet. So she just, like, put two together to keep it quieter. And I told her that, and she was like, Well, that's awesome and then for the rest of the night, like we had stuff to talk about. Um, so, like, going back to the point of any time you talk to someone? If you if you have, like, a little thing, you could be like, Hey, this is pretty cool. You want to talk about this? You'll have random things to pull out for the rest of the night, you know, Um, then so Natan was Mac. Mac was probably my favorite. Mac means a lot to me now, But even then it was just the way this happened. So the day that good I am came out, it was like the middle of the week or something. Um, he had something out daily bread that was pretty much like, Hey, I'm gonna play the album. I'll meet all of you and Sonya record. So people started lining up around 10. I am. I got out of class at 1 30 we headed over. We got there. The line was down the block and he hadn't showed up yet. Right? So he shows up five hours late driving his own mom's Prius. He's like, What's up a lot shorter than you think, Um, he goes inside the line, goes around the building and then has to, like, come back through that entire building and he's over here. So while we're in line, we could see him directly through this window. He they're like, they're little tiny windows that pop open, and it was a really hot summer day. He comes out the first time, and he's like, Hey, anyone who goes to that corner store down there and gets course banquet front of the line someone multiple people starts sprinting down. They come back with that, and 20 minutes later he comes out. He's okay. Anyone who goes to that corner store gets ice front of the line. And he was You could tell every every single moment of that kid's day. He was just like, out on the floor, whether he was talking to like one of his friends, whether he was talking to his manager, whether he was talking to me, you know, like the entire time, he just had that same exact like showmanship. That was what, like struck me without so I went up. That was it was crazy, too, I think was only two weeks after the Internet was thing, and I was like, Hey, I just ah, I just opened up for your backing bands and usually really, that's what's up. Um, that was very, very cool, for sure. But it was. It was cool to at his vigil to his grandmother spoke and talked about how much like he traveled. But at the same time, Pittsburgh was his favorite thing, and one of his friends told this story about in. I think it was a Thor ninth grade. He made his first mixtape, and they handed them out to everyone. Everyone just threw him on the floor. So the hallways covered in back Miller albums. Um, I think it was before Easy, Mac. He had another name to um, But they used to go door to door and, like, try toe, just get people to listen to the album who wasn't even selling it. So he printed like thousands, handed them out of school to take. There was an announcement for him to come to the principal, and he was like, Listen, um, you're gonna have to clean all of this up so him and this other friends clean them all up manually and as this guy was like in tears telling us the story. He's like, You know, we did. Next year. We printed twice a cz much. That's good. What? What

spk_1:   34:10
I'm seeing from these stories to, uh, what a lot of people don't necessarily see one somebody of ah, status like that is they are human, you know, They're all just people. Remember the day, you know, they're just like you, and I just want to do what they love. And it's kind of it's kind of cool to see you talk about these. These people have had such influence on so many lives, uh, and just showcase that they are just people who you know. So that's that's really cool to see. Yeah. Did you say there was anyone else? Uh, that

spk_0:   34:47
Yeah. Oh, yeah. King Cruel. Um, do you know the needle drop on YouTube? The bald guy with the glasses that reviews albums? I do not. Yeah, look him up. So, um, he's been he's been going since, like, 2014 or something. And he's probably changed the game for, like, music reviews. And he was the first YouTube wrote a pretty much do it. So he was standing right behind me and racking performs or they opens for King. Cruel. I went to Connecticut in this random town called Hamden in this basement of this place called the Space. That place was tiny as hell. I was in the front row. Excuse me. Racking came up. No one knew who they were, and they were incredible. They're broken up now, but their main wrappers still has some stuff. So they performs. And it was almost uncomfortable how close they were like they were. They were on this stage, so the entire time his his sternum was just right up against my nose like that. And they looked like they hadn't had a change of clothes in two weeks. Whatever. Um, so getting thio see them in their early state, and then seeing where they ended up going was very cool. But, um, the art, his name is Archie Marshall King. Cruel. He was really cool, too, because I listened to him and it felt like, very familiar to me. Even though it was a weird mix of genres, it was it was similar to me in the way that it's something that I go towards not necessarily what I make or what I'm hearing. You know, um, but I got toe talk to him afterwards For about 1/2 hour. He played the same year and model of guitars. Me, he Oh, also, speaking of people coming late, he showed up 30 minutes late, high as hell with no pick. And I could tell I know that look, when he got on stage that he was looking around for a pick. And I go, Hey, do you need a pick? I went on my wallet. This is there's a picture of me with, like, all these pics in my hand, and he's choosing them. So then, um, he made it a point. Oh, talk to me afterwards. But I was like, Why did you come to hand in of all places, like, I drove three hours to get here? Um, he's like, Oh, the needle drop. He lives here. And I was like, Wait, that's who was standing behind me the entire time. So I heard that guy talking about the odd future festival and seeing someone like jump from the rafters into the crowd and everything he was talking about. Jay Z and I remember I turned around at one point, and it was something about odd future. I was like, I don't agree with that. And I just turned back around that I realized it was him. But, um yeah of founds that the musicians, especially that are interested in many different types of music, playing different instruments or like genre bending, especially those people are very, very inviting. You know, that was the word that I would say for all of them, especially Nate, to like inviting us over and just saying, Hey, here's some beats. You want him for free? That almost never happens. Yeah, yeah, yeah, It's refreshing to cause it's even more so than most people that I would meet in Pittsburgh, too. So then

spk_1:   37:57
internalizing that internalizing that and going for how does that kind of influence you in your craft and even the way you carry yourself once, once, they just

spk_0:   38:13
Yeah, so, um, the the thing I would consider myself the best. That would be coordination, whether that's coordinating my own different parts of it or other people into it, or their own projects, you know, like seeing what they're interested in doing. Um, which is also why I ask you like what you working on? I have a dirty habit of any time someone says, Hey, I'm thinking about doing something creative. I've been working on this. I want all the details I want to help in some way. You know, I want to be a catalyst. So coordinating them is, um, something I've done since before that. But after meeting all of those people, I saw how the the people that are successful in doing that operate in a very like, micro circumstance of talking toe someone one on one that they don't know and then responding to their best friends or their manager or anything, you know, it's a

spk_1:   39:08
little I mean, you know? Yep. You should be inviting to those around you. I mean, if you if this kind of how I look at it So I'll be the first person to say hello to a stranger, not because of any particular reason other than I'm just eager to say, Look, I don't know why, but I'll be the first person to say it. And over time, that grew into and eagerness toe want to say hello for who people. And it was kind of coming down to the root of it, where I personally I like to be acknowledged who. So if I like to be, acknowledge that I wanna acknowledge other people because I don't know if I acknowledge them, they'll appreciate it. I was talking to a friend of mine, directed Berry. Another day. We're on the bus together, coming back from the airport and just talking about saying hello to people who just on the street

spk_0:   40:00
Yeah, like initiating.

spk_1:   40:01
Yeah, yeah, But even just on the street, let's say when I walked by each other who let's say one of us are going through a terrible day and one of us decided to initiate a hello. Let's say we ignore each other and they goes on reverse that Now let's say one of us say hello, and then the other person says it back. And maybe something started from there. Maybe that was the only person who spoke to you that whole day. Yeah, that's only person who spoke to that whole. Absolutely. But what what it was was somebody acknowledging. And sometimes we don't get acknowledgement from those who we love are those who we like and tohave acknowledgment from just random people who could really boost somebody's demeanor and their

spk_0:   40:47
six in their minds. Yeah,

spk_1:   40:48
exactly. Yeah, and even even if it doesn't boost their self esteem in any way, maybe they don't think much of it. But maybe then the day they're just like that was like a really nice operation like you have these good things to say about Sid the kid, uh, King Cruel Whisk Khalifa and Mac Miller, because they took just a second more out of their day to acknowledge you. Yep, and going forward, you're going to carry that on whatever is successful endeavors or just endeavors that you're a part of. You will remember those moments, and then you'll be able to create those moments with other people. So that's that's powerful.

spk_0:   41:23
Another. I never I never met him, but I wish I have Keegan Michael Key. Every time you see him an interview, I don't know if you've ever noticed. He knows the name of everyone in the production squad. He's like, Oh, yeah, Jerry over there on the camera. He always takes the time to learn that, which is crazy. Um, yeah, that really I mean one of the have time to take a bathroom break, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. Quick. Tell the people what's really on your mind.

spk_1:   41:50
Yes. So, while you just keep going straight and then take a right not there, but that one right there. So while Andrew Chris is in the bath, all right. Really? D here. I will be here recording my check. 212 guesses in the bathroom. What? Check Check. 12 Yeah, I actually I'm post. And he's so I figured you have the assets. Like, cool. Yeah. So I

spk_0:   42:57
would like to hear some Some explanation of the felt tequila case that you have in the bathroom for everyone listening. I don't know if you know, but the bathroom here is very classy. It has a theme. It's all red ends on top of the toilet. There's an enormous tequila, a case that's covered in felt. Please tell me the story of that. Yeah, so,

spk_1:   43:16
uh, like like I said earlier, I work in a restaurant and I work at Butcher in the Rye.

spk_0:   43:23
Oh, yeah. So next I work right across the bridge. Okay.

spk_1:   43:26
Sweet. Um, butcher on the right. You know about it, then and right next to it is Taco. Taco is a mess. Calabar, Pascal and tequila and one of my roommates after work, one time Waas told that they could take this, like, felt peculiar case home at home. And we like if they give us any, like, cool bottles or like things that, like whole bottles were always like, Yeah, we'll check it out. So he brought it here and we were like, What are we gonna do with this thing? And I live with four guys. There's five of us total in this place. And whenever there's two bathrooms, whenever the up sickness bathroom has toilet paper, the downstairs one typically runs out first and what we've been doing, this is way before the pandemic or the corn thing. But what we've been doing is we've been hiding our toilet paper downstairs guys in the felt tequila case.

spk_0:   44:26
So yeah, whatever. Like I would

spk_1:   44:29
look for it. They couldn't find it, and they just had to go. By the

spk_0:   44:32
way, use that for that's, like perfectly toilet paper sized. If you can fit like three of those things,

spk_1:   44:42
actually think four, not three, but three or four Rules of toilet paper in there. They're not able to take so Damn. Yeah. God, Yes.

spk_0:   44:53
So wait, What type of music do you like? What side you

spk_1:   44:56
do I like

spk_0:   44:57
I wait, let me ask. Let me rephrase that. When you were in like, middle school, what was the first thing that you heard that change your opinion? You were like, actually, this is what I like. Growing

spk_1:   45:07
up for me was a little different when I was in middle school. I didn't have, like, the leisure of kind of just going home and listen to music. Sometimes I did, but not not all the time. It wasn't really on my mind. I was actually way too into sports. I kind of was like anti.

spk_0:   45:23
What about like on the bus? Toto, what do you play?

spk_1:   45:26
I'd say high schools when I really started listening to music more. But when I was in middle school, I listen to a C D c E o. My first, like music was a C. D. C. And then, uh, kind of grew from there. I like Chitty Bang for a while, but I was really in the Chitty Bang, uh, towards high school. I started getting into, like, Whisk a leaf Kendrick Lamar Kendrick Lamar is my favorite artist. Currently good artists I like. I like the way he thinks. Yeah, I'm all into thinking about things, and, uh, I like that he's like culture driven.

spk_0:   46:08
Yeah, no, it's cool because he's not only thinking, but he's very insightful for things that he's actually inside of. You know, that's why I love Kendrick to, because you could have anyone that's sitting down and they're looking at like like ancient stories or something, like, Oh, there's there's something here, trust me. But Kendrick is crazy because you could tell all of what he puts down. It's all very insightful moments during his regular life. You know, that's I mean, his production to go off the charts.

spk_1:   46:39
I thought it was pretty crazy, but when I was in high school, I listened to the song swimming Pools and I went in That was actually about not drinking and about staying away from local and everyone at the time, though it was like poor up drank and people would take. That would be like, Oh, this is like a drinking song that was, well, listen to you know. And so I I've been blessed to I was adopted at 14 by my team counselor from the Boys and Girls Club. Shut out Chance. Oh, yeah. And, uh, yes. So moving in with her and solidifying my family there. She really taught me a bunch. And at 14 I was in middle school, so she taught me how to listen to music. And that was really beneficial for me going forward. Because not only did it help with how I listen to music, but it helped with how I listen to people. Yeah, amen. But speaking specifically on the music, she would show me to park and biggest to pop fans She could recite like every two pox on.

spk_0:   47:51
Yeah, just seeing someone being a fan. So much of something. Yeah,

spk_1:   47:55
she, like, loves to park. And she would just have us like we'd sit there in the car, me and my siblings and we just sit there and we listened to park and she really be like, No, listen, like, really Listen to the words that he's saying, Don't you Here. You know, there's a difference, Kevin, between hearing this and listening Timis experiencing it. Yeah, and that really spoke to me. So that opened my mind to new music. To me, to be more open minded to music and going forward from there, I would say I really like anything. Currently. Right now, my roommates, one of them DJs like he does live events and that's really cool to see another one before that. He kind of wants to create his own music. So he makes beats and lays down tracks and listening to them and they're different Musics has really opened my mind to the e m. Scene. I'm not really into the Dub step stuff so much I understand why people like it, But I'm really into the techno house tight beats. I just I really vibe with them, you know, like, if I'm working on something, I throw one of those honor from just ve Ivan. Or maybe I'm like, chatting with someone. I want something background, music, those air like some solid, some solid like types of music that I liked transition alike.

spk_0:   49:20
There was a point between 2010 to 2016 maybe, where, like Kendrick was starting it, uh, even like Tyler, the creator, Frank Ocean, they all had these songs that surface valued, they meant something. But also they meant at heart the exact opposite. You know, all of them kind of. They had cult followings because of it, too, because the people that knew they really got it. And if maybe I don't know the first time I heard even, like, taller for, say, I don't understand it, so I don't like it. But when I looked into it, I was like, Oh, I understands now. And that changed so much. And now kind of, um, the the genres even like, as you said, you're just interested in, like anything, a lot of people just are going back to what inspired them in the first place. And they're just, like, all right, like, this is what I want to do and I don't have to pay money. Now I have it for free on my computer. Why don't I just toy around with it, you know, and it just ends up coming out like that. But there's there's this weird. I won't call it sarcasm, but it's almost reverse psychology through their lyrics or the sounds or something like that, you know? Yeah, the other. The other thing. Thio. So Jimi Hendrix is my favorite artists ever, by far for many reasons. Um, two main reasons that I'll say one. He was on the Dick Cavett Show. And the first question he asked him like Okay, so, uh, what do you think about people saying that you're the best guitarist in the world? He gets all hunched up in his chair and you could see him blushing and he's he's he's like, going in and Dick Cavett goes okay, Okay. How about the best guitarist in this room and Jimmy almost himself, Not even to the rest of anyone that's there. He's just like, all right, have the best guitarists in this chair. That is my favorite interview. Responsible time. But second of all, he said that any guitarist he ever watched or any musician like even said, the people that are bad, he learns more from sometimes he always walked away from viewing someone else doing something musically, um, with some insight, you know, So you could you could you could see a guitarist do something that they just don't know how to do yet, and it brings you back and you say OK, maybe this. This is an option to, um but you said the listening part of it instead of just experiencing it to that. Someone told me that a long, long time ago. And then my guitar teacher kind of said the same thing in a different way. And I found a lot of the things that I understand now are just people saying things in different ways, reinforcing what I thought in the first place. So we used to sit down every week and I would bring a song. I would say, I wanna learn sunshine of your love by Cream. Teach me this song and we would get to the part where, um, like he wrote it down. I was able to play it, but I didn't sound like himself. So the thing he said that always stuck with me was You don't just find the notes. You have to finds his the feeling in his hands. So you need to figure out what he was like. The building. You have to figure out the building blocks, so if he's going up here for a solo, just figure out what he's going for because he's not thinking about it. He's not thinking OK, play this than not then this. He's like, Okay, maybe I could screw around here. So those two things put together it's like, OK, don't just look at what someone's doing note for note or whatever, like whatever you want or you might learn from someone that knows less than you. Putting those two together always meant to me like anything that you see someone do that they're trying to dio be interested in that, you know? And I think going back to what I was saying before, um, my biggest skill is probably coordination and being a catalyst for other people because I have done not so many times throughout my days where it's like, Oh, I really want to figure out how to do this. All right, let's figure it out. You know, um, but everyone has their own form to its style and everything. And uhm, yeah, it's always interesting to to go back to what they initially became interested in it for So that's why I was asking you to Yeah, but a big thing for me, too. I started falling asleep to music, and I I don't think I've ever stopped Uh, Yeah, I could not fall asleep for a while. Yeah, complete silence. Really? Oh, you're a rare person, then.

spk_1:   54:10
Yeah. I hope you've been enjoying listening to rawness of reality. And this episode with Andrew Chris Next we're going to transition to the pod deck and burst on UPA deck is a various collection of questions that are put into a deck and I randomly shuffle through them and ask our guest the questions. Following the use of the product, we will transition to bury stuff. You could expect three questions to come from the product and then buries time will proceed if you don't know what first time is. Don't worry. I do explain it later on, but enough from me. Here's Andrew. Chris. When you think about success, who comes to mind and why,

spk_0:   54:55
Um, I think there is, um, a few answers to that as I'm tryingto talk about my train of problem. My my thought process here. So success could other be someone that is trying to do something and they do it. Or it could be someone looking back on everything and being like, Yeah, that went as according to plan. I didn't have that plan at first, but that ended up much better. So I think a big part of success is obviously happiness. If you if you create a company, your company blows up and you become rich. But all the shit's happening in your life and you're not happy. And he would have been happier doing some random day job. Is that really success? And on the other hand, too, you could be, ah, freelancer your entire life not make enough money to do much. But at the end, you're like, I don't regret any of that, you know? And, um, one of my favorite quotes ever. I, um I was talking to one of my friend's dads and he was saying, um, we were talking about going down to Ocean City How everyone from my high school went down to Ocean City for senior week and he was like, Oh, yeah, me and my friends used to go down there all the time, used to live down there for entire summers, get jobs and everything. And, um, I brought up something about being afraid to do something because it might have caused, like, regrets. And he was like, Yeah, I have some regrets, but the only regret I have are times where I chose not to do something, you know? So success for me is also people that had the balls to try something, you know, like Johnny Knoxville is the best example of doing that. He has the best fucking life right now. Like he went, you went through a lot of turmoil will just say, but he's also like, he's pretty successful, you know?

spk_1:   56:58
Okay. Yeah. Johnny Knoxville's a weird guy. Yeah, he's a weird. Yeah, but he didn't know what he does. Yeah, Yeah, yeah. All right. Next question from the pot deck. Let's go. What's your guilty pleasure?

spk_0:   57:16
Um, re watching the same shows. Probably because let's use the office as an example. First time I watched it, I wanted to see it for the story. Now I know the story by hard. Now I watch it because I'm like, All right, what were the producers trying to do? Like, let's think as a producer, and then I'll go back to the beginning, and I'm like, Okay, let's pretend that kevin is a genius for this entire Watch through and then I'll go back.

spk_1:   57:43
Holy shit. What you do that?

spk_0:   57:45
Oh, dude, I've seen the office. Probably like attorney. I've lost count. It's It's in, like the hundreds.

spk_1:   57:51
I'm I'm like one of those, like people who don't really watch it religiously, which is like, I'm still cool, right?

spk_0:   58:00
I mean, another reason I watched them, too. It's like a guilty pleasure, because going back to the work from home thing like you have five minutes. So you want to do something? All right, Make yourself a sandwich. Watch five minutes of the office. You don't feel bad for not paying attention or pressing pause on it and coming back, you know that. So that is my guilty pleasure after

spk_1:   58:18
I, uh, it's not that I don't like the office, and I I honestly get into too many discussions with people who are going home office fans. We actually don't really watch it that much. Holy shit. Dude,

spk_0:   58:29
I didn't I don't watch for the first time in, like, three years ago, and I grew up in Scranton.

spk_1:   58:35
Really? Yeah, I don't know. There's just something it doesn't capture me like it does. Most people. Maybe that's my father.

spk_0:   58:44
No, it's definitely not. It's such a particular No. I'm telling you, it's such a particular type of, um like, you ever watch trailer park boys? That's a good discussion,

spk_1:   58:54
too. I don't like, Yeah. So, like the office. I do like that. You just don't watch.

spk_0:   59:01
So I know. How much of Charlie Park boys have you

spk_1:   59:03
seen? I've seen enough to not like it.

spk_0:   59:06
I got to that point as well. And then I watched it on my own from the start to the finish. And I was like, Oh, similar to the top of the creator thing, too. It's like, Okay, I also hate this, but I like it because how much I hate this shows me that the main theme of everything is like, you have to be there for people, no matter how

spk_1:   59:26
shitty they are. Okay. Yeah. Okay. You were able to find the meaning. Yeah. Yeah, I might. No, I won't.

spk_0:   59:36
No. Brooklyn 99 Though I never watched that. Give that a shot. That's like a more palatable office. Pretty much.

spk_1:   59:44
All right. And this is the last question from the pod deck. Let's go. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

spk_0:   59:55
Probably what I just said. to. About the only regrets are the ones that you chose not to do something. That's what. Pull another one. Another one.

spk_1:   1:0:04
Well, I'm a great shoveling, actually. Terrible people don't want to ever play cards. All right, Last one. If you could ask one person, one question and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?

spk_0:   1:0:27
Mmm. That is a good question, huh? I would probably ask Jimi Hendrix's producer if he knew what he was getting into. End also. What? What he did. Um, when he realized that he was in over his head, that's what I would ask

spk_1:   1:0:55
him. Yeah, Okay, just from now on, what do you think he would have said? Just funny.

spk_0:   1:1:02
Um, Chaz Chandler was his them. He was a basis for the birds. I think. For now, the animals who they made like House of the Rising Sun and the band broke up. He became a producer, and Jimmy was his first client. So I know there was a point where everything was like, Oh, shit, like, I don't know, I'd be the producer and manager of this guy, like, bigger than everyone else. I think he would have said the moment I saw the Beatles give him a standing ovation. The day they gave, they covered. Sergeant Pepper's like the day it came out. I looked up and I said, Oh, fuck. My job just got harder.

spk_1:   1:1:44
So now this is very son. This isn't the first time for various time, but I'm gonna break it down for you. Okay? The way it works is we break it. We break open this package, star Bruce. Okay, we eat him. And now this is new, but I put on a timer. So you're not timed on how many starters you can eat. Soup, please. I mean, you can just also what's your favorite flavor? My favorite flavor. So this pact we have is a tropical pack. So my favorite flavor is the orange one. The orange one. And this pack is mango melon. The pink ones fire there.

spk_0:   1:2:22
What is it? The regular one is a strawberry. The regular parts. Yeah, Regular strawberry. That is my should. Do you think the tropical ones? Actually, I like more of the flavors from this, but I only by the original to eat all of the pink ones you get at one time I gotta pack where it was the original. But it was all pink. And I was like, Thank you. That's that's

spk_1:   1:2:49
actually pretty crazy. 59 seconds on the clock. If you have been, have miss a phony A and you don't think you'll make it through this portion of rawness of reality, please skip ahead. What is Miss a phony? A. It's the fear of chewing noises. Hit cows. They're gonna be hard. So good fun. Fact, nobody. Since I've been doing the timer, nobody has been able to eat the starburst until you've gotten here. This is the first time I'm eating this start while doing the time. All right, Vans or converse

spk_0:   1:3:28
vans broke. Blame maior white suit, wave hands. I always say, I'm gonna be 80. And I found my shoes a couple of years ago and I'll be wearing the same ones. I have purchased the same exact pair of these three times. Okay, Black suit or one black suit. White shooter, tan suit. I mean, I got a tan suit on, but I would say probably black soon.

spk_1:   1:3:50
Okay. Hair gel or hair paste

spk_0:   1:3:53
paste, because it doesn't get crusty.

spk_1:   1:3:55
There you go. Okay. First your candles or incense candles? No question. Beer looking there. Your favorite software. Reason for sir for music. Okay. One artist that you would like to work with in Pittsburgh that you have yet to work with.

spk_0:   1:4:21
Um, Giovanni,

spk_1:   1:4:23
you have only Yeah, I'm not familiar. He's

spk_0:   1:4:26
in a couple different bands. Um, he plays like a Les Paul. They're mostly like duos and everything, but he compare him to, like, a really heavy version of

spk_1:   1:4:35
the Black Keys. Okay? Yeah. And you like the black. He's

spk_0:   1:4:39
alot. I love black s u

spk_1:   1:4:41
Think about their latest album.

spk_0:   1:4:43
I liked how will mix. It was a lot of the songs I didn't listen to again. But there's also, um, there's a There's a cycle to them. So they do one thing, then they're like, All right, let's just do this ends this one they put very on the nose, like, Okay, we're making this album because we want money. And that was that was the joke in all of their videos, it was like we hate each other, which they don't. They would beat each other up, and they have, like, money, symbols in their eyes and stuff like that. But wait Fun, fun story as well. So the other person that I kind of met was the drummer of the Black Keys through end. I currently live on 11th Street. Never knew where this place was until, like, the other day when I was sticking my head across, look out the window, looking across the street and I was like, That's where it happened. So, Jake, where and I We went to see the Black Keys that PPG There was a long line around the bends. I snuck in saying I had to go to the bathroom and I talked to this one guy and just became friends with them. That was like the usher. There was a long line, even like when I came out and he was like, Oh, yeah, I just come through here. There was a little pillar and the wall stuck me through there. It was the fourth person to get my tickets again. I sprinted to the front, so I was front and center for like, caged elephant opening up for the Black Keys. Saw the show Incredible. We, uh we went out in Salta. This was in 2014 went out. It's outside. We were like 19. Still had her Blackie shirts on everything. We left this house party and just walking back to the 10th Street birds to come back to do Kane's campus. We walked past and ah, literally between this pane of glass was Pat Carney, and he was just having a beer with Cage elephant. So we went up in rural a high. He poured it out our shirts. He's like, That's what's so, but we obviously couldn't go inside or anything, so I'll put that on. My list is well, but now Blackie's air sick because the the amount the strip away when they're making. So my favorite album by them is called Rubber Factory. They went to like Akron was big for tire production, car production or anything anything that they could make outside of Detroit and, like bring in as parts that industry left. They grew up there. They recorded this entire album in a rubber factory like a tire factory, and you could hear it in them like the guitar, the drums, that's all they had on the voice. Um, but you could hear everything like behind them and the real nous of that always stuck with me. So, um, the stuff I make no. Whether it's Elektronik samples or live instruments, I try to do the same thing, you know, making it sound

spk_1:   1:7:29
real. Okay? And, Sue, I don't have any more questions for you today. Except for one. What is rawness of reality mean to you?

spk_0:   1:7:39
Um, well, I'll tell you what it means to me right now after being on this, Um, it's talking about what you see during your your entire life and relating that to someone else That wraps up what we were talking about with saying hi to someone on the sidewalk. Why were interested in music? Like what? We try to fall asleep to whatever. Yeah, I would say then.

spk_1:   1:8:06
Yeah, Yeah. Cool. That's that's what's up. Yeah, that's all I have free todo Is there anything that you'd like our listeners to know about? You going forward or even where to keep up with you?

spk_0:   1:8:18
Yes. So, uh, go to Andrew Chris on Spotify number one. Number two, go on on top TV. I do a bunch of different Siri's about what I think about, um, very good movies and whether very good um, I do a Siri's about product innovation for music in the 20th century, and that brings you through all of the people trying to do exactly what we were just talking about succeeding and figuring it out and pushing the limit and stuff like that. And otherwise, since you'll be working from home, I would say Check my Twitter at doors on top because I've been posting these ah, work from home tips. So you get Ah, you could laugh in chuckle and also make your day better through that.

spk_1:   1:9:07
All right? Yeah, man. So we'll see it on the next episode of Rawness of Rio. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with Andrew Chris, and I hope you all were engaged. Listen, if you were, please subscribe to our channel. Rate is five stars. Leave some comments and GM. I'm always open to criticism constructively and just general inside to how people are receiving this podcast. Our episodes can only get better from here. I want to give a big thank you to Joe cow on the beats and remember, stay wrong with reality. We'll see you on the next episode of rawness of reality. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with Andrew, Chris and I hope you all we're engaged listening. If you were, please subscribe to our channel. Rate is five stars Leave some comments and d m. I'm always open to criticism constructively and just general insight to how people are receiving this podcast. Our episodes can only get better from here. I want to give a big thank you to Joe cow on the beats and remember, stay row with reality.