Rawness of Reality
Rawness of Reality
Trials and Tribulations w/ the Shogun - Kole #019
In this episode, you have the opportunity to meet Kole. Born in the small city of Morgantown, WV, Kole grew up with his father from Clay County, WV, and a mother from Brooklyn, NY. With a mom that grew up singing jazz and R&B and a father that grew up in the country and had a heavy rock influence, Kole’s diversity in sound and influence was inevitable. Listen in to this episode to hear how a fellow creative confronted a life-changing move, his insight into the Pittsburgh music industry and how he deals with patience. Even more, find out why he believes art should help transport individuals into a new world (of sound).
(PSA) - I had a fan on while recording, I don't think it takes to much away from the discussion. For the fan; I apologize.
Instagram: @therealkolemusic
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEapmnGbfWNBW_SH77xyG-w/featured
The link above will bring you to his hit single 'Shogun'.
Beats: Joe Cal / @josephj_callahan
Don't forget to subscribe, follow us on Instagram @_rawnessofreality, Snapchat @Rawnessreality, and Twitter @rawreality_
Remember, Stay Raw with Reality
spk_0: 0:00
the super power within creating be able to take somebody somewhere. It's either through something to a place that they'd rather be in the place of their currently in or to the past to remember. It's reflecting on something.
spk_1: 0:15
Welcome to Episode 019 for rawness of Reality, I'm your host, Kevin Stocker, and this episode you have the opportunity to meet Cole Cole is a Pittsburgh based musician who originally hails from Morgantown, West Virginia. Splits time between California, and it is serious about his music. Along with his music, he's extremely passionate about his writing. Here's a direct quote from Cold. God is necessary. Talent is needed. Success is taken. But enough from me. Here's cold. Your big shot up, having cold on the podcast today Really excited. We tried to make this happen before. I kind of fell through. So here we are, making that happen
spk_0: 1:00
when you're doing things on your on your own man and you're pushing your own dream. There's definitely, uh, a lot of schedule issues as far as trying to make everything you know, put the work in a job, putting, working on the dream as well.
spk_1: 1:15
And then we live in a chaotic world in itself. I mean, you have things coming up from all sides taking your attention elsewhere. Yeah, but before we begin, I want to give you a big shadow to mark set a Meyer. You have to Sometimes this is tree cup. It's something like guy Joker guy. Oh, Cora Macho. Okay, I was pretty good. I think s so we're gonna Yeah. Hey, check it out. So he created his own poker business. I think you're right. Go. Kara. Marcia. Marcia. Okay. Sweetened with stevia. I mean, you're the show gun, you know, right here that all the time. Really? My friends, they think it's funny to like appointments to make these
spk_0: 1:56
jokes like we're working on the other day. And why you poor that. Tell us. Yeah. Hang on a day. Like these groups of downtown, these groups of girls kept like, walking by and every time they would. I mean, just people were walking by every time a group of girls were blocked by the guys would be like, Here's the guys would be like, Oh, you think they're looking for the show? Good. They think it's the funniest they ever, So yeah, I hear that a lot the whole year with Sho GHA and whatever. But the point of that song, honestly, is that we are all the show gun of our own lives, man, like, if you look at, do you know anything about, like Japanese culture?
spk_1: 2:38
I don't know much about how the show works. I read a little bit about it knowing that your newest songs show gun. But I didn't. I didn't go until that's awesome
spk_0: 2:47
that you did that, that in itself school. That's what I hope people do when they see that.
spk_1: 2:52
Yeah. I mean, your cover. Our kind of speaks into that character what a showdown is. And to my knowledge, what I what I got from it is a show gun is somebody in Japan who holds a position of leadership in some sort of way in which they use it for the good of human beings and in the shed lights, it sheds light on the goodness of our world. Right,
spk_0: 3:19
well, and to an extent, a show gun was supposed to be that way, Okay, but they weren't always that way because they actually had a lot of control. So the show was taken with the president like they were commanded, Chief. They ran the entire country. So the the aspect of the show gun that, um I'm kind of playing out in the song is that aspect that we have the control to kind of run our own life and make the choices that we want, regardless of who we are, see as the higher power or whatnot. Because if you look at the show gun, the only person there reported to was the emperor. But the Emperor never came out. So no one ever saw the emperor most of the time. And their job was to communicate what was going on and, you know, in Japan, And then the emperor would tell them what they think should be done. And then that the show gonna good show gun would try to do is their best at making the wishes of the emperor happened to their own discretion because they're actually in the world seeing what's going on out there, right? So the emperor trusted show going to do what they've asked in the way that they saw best. Right? So if you think about it for me personally, like for everybody they have. You know, everyone has their own personal conviction would not. But for me, that speaks a lot to like my relationship with God and how I feel about that whole connection. As far as you know, God gives us control to do what we want in our lives. But a good somebody that's a good follower. Someone that really has a good relationship is someone that would actually do their best to live their life as they feel that goddess recognize right? So were the show one of our own lives, and nobody is ever going to be as good at being you as you are. So there's a huge self confidence in being yourself right, And that's something I speak to in the song. And then the second part is just the fact that you know, uh, the relationship of an emperor and Children. I feel like that speaks a lot about my relationship with God and how I feel about that whole piece so that that's really that.
spk_1: 5:26
So that made it. What motivated you then to create showdown the song itself? Yeah, if you don't mind going, let's let's take this back a little bit. Get away. I saw some pictures of you and you were a drunk drumming. Yeah, and you still probably do drum every on then. But even having the confidence to come out from behind the drum stand, create your own music and stand in front of Mike. I hear a joke every now and then about drummers, and it's probably not true. Drummers shouldn't be writing the music. Yeah, and that's what I hear. But you're a drummer. You you wrote showdown. Yeah, And now you sing it.
spk_0: 6:10
Yeah. Um, so that's actually great offensive. That that's a great piece, because I told you, get like, where you coming from? That I felt pretty much the same wind with that process of For me, drums were my main thing. It was what I was using to pay the bills. It was what, like my main dream, waas and all of that. And it wasn't my friends. I was writing and doing whatever else. Still, with music like, I was still kind of in touch with the creative, like writing side. But it wasn't until I went through a really bad breakup situation that I actually had content to write about that Felt like I had a reason to say something, you know, I mean, and so that was the main motivator to get me out behind, you know, from behind the drum set into actually even thinking about doing my music. And when I made that choice, I decided I have to choose one of the other. And I felt like this is really what I was supposed to do, and it was really scary. And that's I honestly, what confirmed to me that this was what I was supposed to do is that most of the time when you hear people that make it or they're doing whatever and a lot of people that I knew a good friend of mine lease Eastern. She always talks about the fact that, like, she I didn't want to do this. At first, she was scared of it. And then I'm like you. Usually those things are the things that you're supposed to do. Whatever it takes most from you out of your comfort zone is usually actually what you're called to.
spk_1: 7:41
Yeah. No, I completely agree with Right hands down. Yeah. Yeah.
spk_0: 7:45
So that's how I knew, Like, Okay, I needed to try this and give it a real shot. So I put Drum decide and I still love drums. I still do. Like you said, I play every once in a while I'll find my outlets. But as far as being my main thing, I used to tour. I used Thio, you know, play big gigs in L. A. When I was out there, I tried my best to really make that like all that I did. And so for me to put that down, it was really me truly investing in this and making that choice because I was like, I have to Do I have to go all in or nothing like, there's no in between. For me, that's just kind of person I am. But in this, I felt like I wanted to have fasted incense, right. So I was like, Okay, I can't I have to really fully invested this. So that's why I made that choice toa kind of stuffing that. But yeah, it was hard. It wasn't He wasn't an easy step at all. Um, I definitely definitely relate to someone what you said the joke that you said for sure, because
spk_1: 8:41
so Now you find yourself, you're on the stage in your wood, the mic in front of one of you. Yeah, eh. So what's that like even having that opportunity to have somebody listen to that.
spk_0: 8:55
I haven't honestly done a lot of live performance yet, mainly because my team and they have this wonderful vision of how they were about to go, So we haven't done a whole lot of that yet. But when I have, it's those. It's that moment where you recognize that. Like when all those fears that you had as far as like I don't know if this is for B or not, they kind of go away because you're relating to that one person or those group of people or whatever it is you're seeing them connect with your music and what you've created, and they're being affected by it. And you're like, Oh, this is what this is all for, like I'm supposed to affect somebody else and really be able to give them something. And when I was playing drums, I'm always backing up somebody else's gift. You know, I'm saying, like I'm always the rapping on somebody's gift here, I'm saying, and So when you're riding and you're the person singing to someone, you're the person that's giving get, and that is a totally different thing told even feeling. I love it. And I also love the connection and divide that you get from the other person because you don't get that when you're on the drums. You don't really get the connection to the audience the same way you do when you're the person that they're seeing lyrics over there listening to the lyrics. I don't thank you.
spk_1: 10:14
So now how does someone from Morgantown, West Virginia, find himself in L. A and Pittsburgh? What was
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trying to make that quick? 18 years old, I made the decision. I was going to California.
spk_1: 10:33
So did you. Did you get a high school diploma at this corner? You
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just say, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I grabbed I graduated high school. I was home schooled and in public school throughout my school career. The reason that I was home school was in my high school career, because my freshman year I was publishable and I started doing the drum thing and had some pretty big opportunities. And so 15 I was on road kind of doing that. So I stepped away from that. But then I so did sports and stuff like that. I did graduate now, but 18 and moved. Just like, you know, time for me, Thio. Just get out of here. I'm tired of New West Virginia. Yeah, I was
spk_1: 11:18
born in tow. I've only been there once. I drove there. Morgan? Yeah. I gotta take you. Is this isn't a spy? Yeah, I can
spk_0: 11:26
hear views. Have you threw a little party? So I don't have a school of a story of as, uh, you know, going to see him, you know, partying for three days and decided I want to go there. Sounds like Rajan and figuring out that's not what schools about That was the latest. Yeah, but yeah, I opened up and left, and, um, it was kind of cool because I was in a really bad place in my life, as far as just making terrible decisions doing, you know, just whatever I wanted to do, pretty much. And so I left, um, more in town for what I thought would be a better or worse. Whatever way you want to see it. Partying option. All that stuff like California. But what ended up happening is I went from West Virginia to the West Virginia of California. Moved to reading with no understanding of how California works in like, Oh, that's not even close to Los Angeles or the fun stuff.
spk_1: 12:34
I'm I'm in the same boat you were in. I'm in that boat now, okay? I'm like, All right, So reading is like us Ridge. Okay,
spk_0: 12:42
so I wait, I want to know how are you in the same boat? Like, explain that to me. I'm just,
spk_1: 12:48
um I'm mind of California is pretty not existent. I don't really know much about it. God just know from an outsider looking in. So how you were going into California is how I am now.
spk_0: 13:01
Yeah. Okay. Yes, I get there, and it's just like tumbleweeds And like, fence posts. All right? Who tricked me? You know, the plane never turned on. We were just in the little time still in West Virginia. What's going on? Other than that, it was flat. That was very different. So that was the first time. So I would commute eight hours to l A trying to make that happen closer and closer. So I got Thio Girl Venice. But you have to be time. So yeah, man.
spk_1: 13:37
And then from California to Pittsburgh.
spk_0: 13:40
Yeah, kind of. I'm still in between a lot of my family's. OK, I was the main reason for for that I wouldn't want other family too, you know, family that everything connect with
spk_1: 13:54
what do you think of the Pittsburgh entertainment culture and how it is now?
spk_0: 14:02
Yeah, well, as somebody that was, you know, I've done a lot of jobs in the music industry. I've always been doing something involved in music. I did get involved in artist development, and it was something that I really enjoyed. I do see things a little differently. I think that the average musician, when it comes to just looking at a broad spectrum of, uh, a scene, right. And so I look at the Pittsburgh scene. I see a lot of see a lot of talent, but I almost feel like sometimes the town is kind of held back by what has already made it out of here. So if you look it like wizened Mac, right, I love both of their music. I actually met. I actually had a chance to meet both of them. And, um, I think that what they do is great. But in a sense, I feel like it kind of limits a lot of these artists because they're all trying to be wisdom Mac instead of themselves. You know, I'm saying so. I feel that that's the only thing I really see holding this scene kind of Bacchus instead of, you know, of them. Being encourager is for people to see. Hey, I can be myself making, too. I feel like a lot of people are trying to make it the same way that they did or in the same aspect. And that to me, I feel like is is interesting. But now I feel like there's a lot of this. There's a lot of talent here, from creatives to people that air, you know, business smart, too, that could everybody could be a part of the with music scene in one way or the other. Even if they don't do music. I feel like I wish Pittsburgh did a better job of incorporating that, you know, I mean, because I think that there's a lot of people that don't understand that there's pieces to the music industry more than just the music, you know? I mean, we have all those here, you know? I mean, all of that creative side business sides, like tech side is all here. But I wonder how we could do a better job of capitalizing on that, including that into
spk_1: 16:17
into the music scene, because I
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think that if we did that, we would have a chance at Pittsburgh being very independent music wise, which to me is a really big difference from a lot of other scenes.
spk_1: 16:29
So then that brings me to my next question. You're part of the Attic music group here in Pittsburgh. And you're the lead writer.
spk_0: 16:38
Yeah, I kind of do a bunch of things. They're just kind of It's kind of flowy position. It came. It became about very like you were saying that you like the podcast to be kind of this, you know, like you called the wrong. It's a reality because you want it just be really just kind of flowed. That's kind of how it has come about. We just were friends, and then we started working together, and it was like this. There's a place for me here and there. They also felt that there that they had a need for me. So then we just started working together. That's gonna have that.
spk_1: 17:16
Okay. And so would you like someone?
spk_0: 17:18
Yeah, I would. It was the guy that made this.
spk_1: 17:23
This is Mark Soda. Mayer. Mark. So tomorrow, my man, this is
spk_0: 17:27
pretty good stuff, but I feel very healthy drinking this.
spk_1: 17:30
You're gonna feel a lot better once you know what he does with each tea. So is there. We know there's not sign. Uh, so if you buy a tee, he plants a tree. Oh, yeah. And they plant them in Haiti because in Haiti they have the highest rate of deforestation. I know it's 80% deforestation in Haiti. Well, so those numbers he saw were pretty high, and he wanted to do something about it. Yeah, So that's off. Yeah. He plants a tree in Haiti. Every, uh,
spk_0: 18:06
well, mark tears to you. This is this year's
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cheers. That's that's
spk_0: 18:10
amazing. I feel really, really great drinking this out.
spk_1: 18:15
It feels nice. It feels like you're a part of nature. Yeah,
spk_0: 18:19
it does. Knowing that really feels like you're part of the cars to You are? Yeah. Yeah, it's awesome. So more of the story is what is this tea called? Okay, it's called treat Treat. More on the story. Is guys by a bunch of these plan a bunch of trees? Yeah, I'm coming to set a better that that straight up. That's dope. I'm like, Yeah, that makes me happy.
spk_1: 18:44
So, going forward, what do you want to see with the song show done? I know that's your latest single, but do you have an album coming after that? And do you have any videos? Like music videos That'll be attached to the single show?
spk_0: 18:58
Yeah. So I had a music video for sugar for weeks. I
spk_1: 19:03
have not. It doesn't come out, okay. I was like,
spk_0: 19:06
Vivo has had its clutches for a couple weeks.
spk_1: 19:10
I thought I wasn't doing there a recent. You know, man, I don't
spk_0: 19:17
know what's going on at, like messages and email, and it sucks because I had, like, the whole, like, the thing when it comes out that mobile teaser that you know that 3 to 5 days what I gave it, you know, give it all that time that it needs before I said the release date and it's just like,
spk_1: 19:35
What is you doing? Talk.
spk_0: 19:37
They've been processing it for, like a month. Now what? However long Yeah, it was supposed to be 3 to 5 days, so I don't really know. Uh,
spk_1: 19:45
there's there's no, like vulgar language like bad, like explicit like scenes. And
spk_0: 19:51
there is something that may be like the only thing I could think of was like, There's there's, uh It's a moment in it where the two female characters they kiss each other,
spk_1: 20:05
that happens quite a bit,
spk_0: 20:06
but they cuts right before they dio dio that that's not the thing. So I'm like, I mean, there's semi explicit words in the song, but I mean,
spk_1: 20:21
that just doesn't make much sense. There's a
spk_0: 20:23
Viva has a lot of songs that you have a lot you don't notice, and I'll give this tip now. But if you release your video on vivo, you actually bypass the clause that you two just added where you have to have 1000 followers in order to make any money off your video. So because vivo is its own channel and because they are also connected with a YouTube channel that, as far above that, every view that you make on a Viva video is already monetized. So when you when you make that choice, you're gonna pay a little bit front, right to get a video on leave. Oh, but it's not that bad. It's very affordable. And then, like I said, you're instantly monetized. So you know you don't have to wait for those 1000 followers. So that's a tip that I will give all other musicians that are out there doing it on your own. Vivo is a important thing, image wise to because people, when they look at a video and they see viva, they think instantly.
spk_1: 21:19
I was just going to say that word for word. When I see Viv on that bottom right corner, I'm thinking, Wow, look at these. These guys. Yeah, they're fish. This is official. Yeah, exactly. It's
spk_0: 21:30
not nearly as hard as people think it is, so I don't want to give that encouragement on, but also just be to advice. If you have the ability, a little bit of money, the vote is the way to release your content. I think up to this point where I've had a video processing for a
spk_1: 21:48
month. Is it Is it tough waiting for that to come out on? Just being patient about People are expecting it. Put out a release date. Yeah, And then now it's like a month goes by and they're like, Okay, Cole like, yeah, right. Like, what is what is the What is the
spk_0: 22:13
Well, the cool thing is my desk amount to be U
spk_1: 22:18
s. So there is that good? I like
spk_0: 22:20
second off, man. What I've started to come to recognize sometimes we see the universal or God or chance or whatever You want to see that as against us when things don't go our way. And sometimes we just miss an opportunity to truly recognize how things work when we see that way. Because what I've noticed is in times where I thought my music career was gonna end because my producer, whoever I was working with gonna work with me anymore, or I thought this was gonna mess this up or whatever something else comes in place or that works itself out or whatever it is seems to always have a reason as to why it's happened the way it does that. I couldn't have planned any better. So even though it's hard and all that, I tend to try my best to look at something as the reason for it not happening or whatever is at the perfect moment is coming, right? So when video is ready to drop, when I am able to release it and all that, that that will be a better time than when I wanted to release it or when I could have really stepped right. So that, to me, is honestly, how I try to look at things is that Theo universe and God has a much better plan than we do. And even when it seems like something is cut off or, you know, blocked that sometimes we're just being redirected to better path. So
spk_1: 23:45
so that that mindset and itself does speak volumes, especially in the time we are in today where phones and different technology and different outside things in our lives grab our attention quickly and pull them in every direction. And our our patients seems to not be there. So yes, but it seems to be with you that you seem to have patients I traversed with. Try Yeah. Yes, you do. Put in the effort for it. Could you talk about? Maybe this will help somebody with their patients. Could you talk about what helps you? I have patients into these type of situations.
spk_0: 24:28
Well, in any situation, even in like my music career as a whole because I went from being signed to then not being signed to then now riding an entire repeat, then re pitch in and try to get signed again. So, like, for me, E, I think the thing that helps me the most with patients is remembering that the gold doesn't disappear. Like I think sometimes when people are impatient or whatever, when they're they're impatient. And they were like, Oh, this isn't happening the way I wanted to And Bubba Bubba they feel that there's a pressure because if it doesn't happen in a certain amount of time than they know, they'll give up your I'm saying so. Sometimes it's actually you that you're scared off and then is making you impatient is because you think that if something doesn't happen in five days time, I'm not gonna stick with it. I'm not going to keep going or I'm not gonna want to. So if it doesn't happen now, then you know it's gonna really be me. But we don't think that way. We don't recognize that, you know, I'm saying so that's something that I've had to kind of that's helped me a lot. It's like, I know what I want to do and I'm gonna keep pushing until it happens. So even if it doesn't happen today, it doesn't happen. Tomorrow doesn't happen next day. The time isn't gonna change my dedication to something. There's a line that I wrote a song where I said, um, hope will fade Dreams come to die But love lasts And the reason and the reason I said that statement is because, um, people that air are hopeful for, you know, I don't know shot 80 go on another tour, are hopeful, and then they forget about it. It's like whatever Right? People that have a dream to be a famous rapper because it looks cool, you know, dwindles their dream eventually dies. But when somebody loves music and they love what they do or they love their job, they love whatever it is. They love a person. The dream that they have for that person of the dream that they have for themselves. The goal that they have is driven by something that lasts, right? So when I have love for something or passion for people and I know that my songs are supposed to touch people in a certain way And then I meant to say things that are gonna help somebody, the love that I have for those people and for music and for myself and for my future family that this might help me provide for whatever it is. Those things drive the dream and the hope that I have for it so that it lasts, right? So when you have that mindset, patients is a lot easier because you know that you're not gonna give up no matter what comes against you. It's always gonna work itself out because you are always gonna be driving. You sit down. I think that is good.
spk_1: 27:28
Yeah, Yeah, you could have any answers to get into. But that was a brilliant E. I hope you all enjoyed listening to the first part of our episode. If so, please don't forget to rate us five stars. That really goes a long way this portion is called very Stein. This isn't the first time for first time, but I'm gonna break it down for a new listeners. So the guests and I share a pack of star Bush could be any flavor the way where it says I asked some quick questions. Dancers weren't necessarily so quick, but they were meaningful. And I definitely recommend proceeding through the rest of the episode. Cole talks about comfort zone, his favorite movie and what it takes to have music transport you. He also motivates me to read a poem, too. If you're into that kind of stuff, it's all next. Next, after I play a clip of coals of coming single Bowman show gun part to yo, Mike, drop the beat. Making clean. I'm something to fit under mine, friend. I could see you. Really? And you lied on the booth, man. Everybody, Miss Fisher, What I am, But I know what I am day. Okay, Okay. That was hot Coal. That was hot. Everybody be on the lookout for Bowman. Show gun part two. Now, here's burst. Time first, uh, we got tropical Starburst today. Okay, if you can't eat servers. Sorry. You don't have teeth, right? I can take your pick. I never seen this before. Yeah, this tropical island in the top three, right? Yeah. He's my friends. There's plenty more sausage party. Yeah, that really has messed with my perspective, eating things. Like what it was
spk_0: 29:36
like like this. Anything that's like this it makes me think it has a little eyes and feet as I screaming. Hey, I know it's like the weirdest thing to say, but like when I watched that movie just invested, man, I couldn't eat food the same. Really? Yeah. Started seeing him was like little characters. Maybe that's just a creative side.
spk_1: 29:53
Yeah, that probably is. It's probably really terrifying. Yeah, so favorite movement
spk_0: 30:00
Favorite movie for the longest time was King Arthur. Yeah, What was
spk_1: 30:05
your favorite? Remember the Titans?
spk_0: 30:07
Remember Italians? It's a good movie. It's
spk_1: 30:09
my favorite. It is this, uh, I think there's a There's a black No see. That's the thing. I think there's There's just like a big thing when it comes to a race and the world, and I've seen it from so many different perspectives, and I think that movie hits on a lot of the ways we should view each other in view what race really is and how we should go about living together. Yeah, so that's great. Remember, the Titans is a phenomenal moving
spk_0: 30:43
as a unit, saying that just like I have to have this whole basically, the team and I, we've we've already pre planned all we have to my second album, Toe. We have another out. We have my first album, which is called Conscience, that comes after the P that we're working on now. And the whole point of literary analysis from
spk_1: 31:05
it is so good. This one is good as I really juicy cherry, some cherry kiwi.
spk_0: 31:13
Oh, good flavor. The job start but Starburst start. But they were conscious. The whole point of it used to say things that can't feel her and said Mom has to do the every song called Color Blind, where I talk about being mixed. Seeing both sides, I can't talk about both issues. How is to see each other and when you said how, which is each other that line, Really? That's why I thought of this is because in the court the main thing I keep saying is I keep looking in your eyes hoping to be color blind asked me to do the same may in mind pretty much. I mean, there's more to it with us. Just
spk_1: 32:05
that's that's yeah, that's what I'm That's exactly what you're saying. So
spk_0: 32:09
that's why I definitely connect with that. Because the aspect of looking at a person for who they are on the inside, looking in their eyes and trying to be color blind is something that people don't care about. Enough. They don't know. Yeah, they don't. They don't care about the person. They care about what the person represents on the outside. And
spk_1: 32:29
we need to take just a little bit more time to understand who somebody is. What what, like what creates them, Not what they're created off. Yeah,
spk_0: 32:40
exactly. But the real reason why people don't do that is because in order to do that, the first thing you have to do is do that to yourself. Yes, and then that makes you vulnerable are free. Yeah,
spk_1: 32:49
it's It's like you said earlier about being out of your comfort zone. Yeah, well, I strive to feel most comfortable out of my comfort zone. That's awesome. Yeah, I love
spk_0: 32:58
that. You should make that quote.
spk_1: 32:59
I tried to feel
spk_0: 33:01
most comfortable outside of my comfort zone. That's a great quote. Thank you. Like that?
spk_1: 33:06
Uh, yeah, I've been pushed to do that. And I think that those people who can see that they have a comfort zone, which is everybody we all do. But the ones who can really see it really see what it's like to be outside of it. That feeling when you're outside of that comfort zone and you're like, Holy shit, it's gonna get Really? Yeah, exactly. It's like it's like a small level of culture shock. Yeah. Yeah. And culture shock might really mess you up for a time being. But being outside of your comfort zone, you can always get back in. Yeah, it's true. Okay, so I like that favorite book.
spk_0: 33:47
Appreciate it. I, um Mike, I consider myself kind of a smart guy. I think I've really changed my perspective that because for a long time, consider myself more kind of dumb because I wasn't book smart, but I don't really read books that much. I mean, I have read certain parts of books that someone recommended or whatever, like I read to get information I might need to, right? I think I want to take that this moment to say, too, somebody that's watching that. It feels like they're not smart because they don't read books because, you know, whatever that the value of your wisdom, knowledge and understanding does not come from a standard that the world can set up based upon a book or whatever else, because the world will always try to put you in a box and then say You're not smart because you don't read books and this is what a smart person looks like. But even people that are smart are not necessarily smart because they read books, right? So it's a false sense of hope, and it's also a false sense of denial from something that a lot of people are actually in a category of, but feel like they're not because they don't read books.
spk_1: 35:11
This, this makes me think of. Okay, so I was out with some friends one night so you don't read books. You said that's the way this So this will go along with that. In a way, I guess I was out with some friends. One night and they entered One of my friends introduced me to another friend and we started talking, and they asked me if I read it. I said, right. Yeah, that's good. Some good ass. And Mark, uh, this'll This guy was like, Do you read what I read every now and then? You know, at this time, I didn't read as much as I do. Now I do like to read, and I don't read every day. Yeah, but this guy was like, Do you really? Not Not very much is like I read all the time. Smart. Probably smarter than you. I go. All right. All right. Uh, okay, cool. Like that's awesome. I'm glad he's like, Yeah, I read 100 pages a day for a year. Yeah, he was a dick. Oh, my God. He was probably one of the ways people I met. And and I'm thinking maybe he was so lost in his his words. He was trying to be lost in stories of he forgot what it was to be a person and actually, like, a shared time with someone. Yeah, you know, So when when he was meeting new people, it was like he wasn't somebody who was trying to take time to actually meet the people. He was trying to take time for the people to me today to meet him, to know what he's about. It wasn't taking interest in other's interests. He was showing his interest and having you take them. Yeah, you know, there was no There was no give and take so narcissistic. Exactly. Yeah. So I'd say that your comment about not reading like you do you You know what I'm thinking? After the same way about you, You I enjoy tie. You might also have sometimes now,
spk_0: 37:06
more than I definitely did before. I just want to make a point to say, you know, if you don't read doesn't mean that you're not smart about people that read that aren't smart, you know? And I mean, like is if you
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don't know how to do like, the thing about
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a book is like, it gives you a lot of information and give your steps, and it gives you all these things. But if you don't know how to do and you don't know how to actually implement, then books are useless. So the rial thing that is important to have the ability to implement things that you learn. If you have that ability, then you'll be set. And even if you don't read books because there's people walking around that have read lots of books or have done lots of things, there's experiences that you'll learn from. And if you know how to learn properly from anything that's thrown at you and turn it into something to do, you'll be fine. You'll be great, even if you don't read a book. Enemy
spk_1: 37:59
show. True? Yeah, on top of that, that strawberry banana start basis. Okay, wait. What? There's a strawberry banana. I thought that was lemonade. No straw ber manana. Try them on. I thought I had sure Bourbon and Deborah Grand. I'm coming for you. I feel like a smoothie. Just hop in my mouth. I was amazing. Strawberry Banana. Wow. You know,
spk_0: 38:24
Starbucks and Starburst should just combine forces and call theirselves starves. That's
spk_1: 38:32
a red of home about Starbucks.
spk_0: 38:34
What? Let's hear it then. I'm gonna write a poem about Star Burns. Do
spk_1: 38:39
you really want to hear it? Yes. I gotta go get it. Okay. Okay. Who? Just a quick heads up I left the room. Grab the book that had the poem Minute. This next board begins the poem proceeding with the rest of various time hoop. Okay, so So this is my poem about Starbucks. When I write poems, I like to write about my surroundings a lot. So that's called zoo Bucks. Okay. Silent eyes creep on by watching searching, wondering why a rhetorical slew hateful of you grabs the volume and latitude t to teat. Each spectator seeks, but ignorant prevails and faces critique. Klink dresses drip ding dip. Irregular instances influx about introducing new actors to the stage with doubt. Squares of hope are picked and Pote all that ensues as curiosity glue mes sporadic jolts of endorphins cloaked to provoke enough whit soon sit, but first, flip a coin, heads or tails neither flip prevails. A Sinus site. We shall join the fight. Clank dresses, drip, ding dip. Don't says they really I was totally transported. Starbucks. Yeah. Did you Did you feel Yeah,
spk_0: 40:14
what you're saying? And I don't think you would tell me that you feel that way.
spk_1: 40:17
Okay, that's what's up. Yeah, I like. Yeah, I, uh
spk_0: 40:21
Yeah, that's actually like, so that is the super power within creating?
spk_1: 40:25
Yeah, yeah, has to
spk_0: 40:26
be able to take somebody somewhere. It's either through something to a place that they'd rather be in the place that they're currently in, where they want to be or to the past to remember its youth reflecting on something that it seems to be the things that, um, the main things that we use creativity to transport so that that's that's really like I said, I think that's a superpower is being able to do that. So you did that well, for sure. Thank you, I do. I try to do that. So I, um, talk a little bit about my e p that I'm working on now. I have any pea that we're currently working on. And as Faras release goes, man, it's It's hard when you have, like, a group of people that you're working with a team and all that. It's so good. But it's also harder to get things done because you're working with this. You know mine, right? I mean, it's like everybody has their ideas, their opinions and how they want things to go. But the thing about it is that when you do all come to a collective agreement on something. You have all these people to help you, but because of that, we're working on the C. P. We're not really sure I was gonna go, But the main point of that is for me. I went like I said, I went through that dramatic break up experience Talking about the kind of was the catalyst. So I wrote all these songs that made me decide. This is what I'm gonna do. I've been holding on to the songs, just kind of had him all right, doing other things in the meantime. And finally, we we finally decided that it was time to, like, get things done. And, you know, whatever happens, it happens. But the the entire Yeah, E P seven summers is the story of that situation from beginning to end and that what I hope to do is take people to not only just my place of what I went through, a relationship that I went through S I want to transfer them to the pass and remembrance right of my situation, but also their own. I hope that people can relate and hear things they've gone through to be transported back to something that they remember and not see it as a bad thing. But see it as something that got them to where they are and you look back and be like, man, that really sucks. But if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't be where I am. Yes, just how I feel, right? I completely So I want to do that in one aspect through in one aspect, as far as being people through something that if somebody is listening to the c p in the time that I went through, like they're going through a current break up or they're going through a situation that they feel a super tough with a relationship, that this will be something that helps them get through it. And then also, I want to be able to tell the story so vividly and in a way that is so connected that even somebody that has never been through a break up or gone through anything like that or felt that pain can relate to other people that are in those type of situations because they've been transported to something that made them genuinely feel what someone goes through in that situation. You know what I'm saying? So that is my intent with this E p. So, uh, hearing, hearing that poem, it was like, Okay, great. Like, this is this is good. This takes me somewhere. Just does what you know it should do. And for me, I hope that people hear my music in are able to feel one way or the other. But in one of those formats,
spk_1: 44:00
do you think connected to something the single you have out? Does that single show that? Yeah. No, no, I'm physically shit up. Yeah. I think that show
spk_0: 44:10
good is good, and I like it a lot. And there's there's a lot of good music that I make that has different that. I mean, obviously it takes you somewhere. I hope that that takes you to a place of self confidence. But it's not the same as what I'm trying to accomplish in that, you know? I mean, I feel like it does still take you somewhere. Yeah. So if that's what you're asking me if I don't write anything that I don't feel like does, you know, just right. Like, you know, I got strippers into euros. That was actually really. Look, we came up with a one point and I was like, No,
spk_1: 44:43
I wasnt shippers in tiaras. I was like, This sounds like there's only one
spk_0: 44:51
other thing That's something in tiaras that people think of You don't want to mix that with.
spk_1: 44:56
No, that's what I was right. It's just That's not That's not good. That's why I started right straight away.
spk_0: 45:03
Bar is everything I do music wise. Three, huh? And the centre to figure out where I'm going and what I'm doing next is Instagram. Follow me at the rial Kaylie music. It's definitely the best place to stay connected with me. And what I do, I really don't use much else social media. Okay, So, Instagram Yeah, I'm honestly not the biggest fan of like what social media does. So
spk_1: 45:25
I don't think many people are, especially the creatives. Yeah, the ones who are not influences but the creative. They're not necessarily so enthralled with how Instagram operates. Yeah, which is
spk_0: 45:40
what sucks is in this business is part of the business. You have to do it. But a lot of people. So I picked one because I was like, I don't want to be on Facebook anymore. I hate Twitter. I mean, I can't stand like Twitter, but I don't like any of those. So I'm like, I'm gonna do this. I have to have one platform. So I chose Instagram because it was a difficult choice. Yeah, I like instagram. And it also I feel more connected to people through Instagram than I do through any of the other things. And I think that the main reason for social media in the beginning was to make people easier, easier to be connected
spk_1: 46:17
to others. It seems like we've kind of created a biscuit's. The opposite now, now with the instagram is the reason why was
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people aren't connecting people is because they're on their phones or whatever else. But I do understand that the original thing was like I could talk somebody in China that I would never be able to talk to on a regular basis through messenger or whatever else. Like I mean, I'm working with people like my art for this next single that I have coming out, which is actually called Show gunpoint to Bowman. Show gunpoint too. The artist is making the cover for that is was in Albania,
spk_1: 46:52
really, which the only thing I know about Albanian before this dude, which he actually
spk_0: 46:56
gave me like a whole history lesson and it was great, apparently was a lot of people from Albania that we don't know, like, I think, do a leap or somebody like that, he said. But there's a lot of people, but I think I knew about Albania. Was Do you remember Flight of the Conchords when the flight of the Conchords, the guys that saying like all of like they sing all funny songs And
spk_1: 47:14
no, I'm not from Russia,
spk_0: 47:15
You guys, you know they have this song called Albi the Racist Dragon. In the song they talk about this badly burnt Albanian boy who the dragon burns up and then also it. I'll be the racist dragon with super races. He burns his village down or he tries to and in the process burns this Albanian boy up really bad, right? And so he gets kicked out of village into a cave and Alba, he's crying and the boy comes into the cave, and he's like, Who was it? But other than the badly burned Albanian boy from the day before. And he's like, I thought you I thought I killed you like no, which is severely severed, right? And so then Alby and the boy come to this conclusion, but they didn't kick them out because he's racist. Kicked him out because he's different. It's him and the boy out of this connection being different. And then how he cries. What is it, gumdrop or bubble come tears or something eating together? It's like the most random song ever.
spk_1: 48:19
That's the only context I have for Albanian, right? And now I have
spk_0: 48:24
a person that I'm actually working with. It's really from Albania, like, has taught me stuff because of social media. So I'm not at all hating on the fool prospect of social media. But I think that we have to be really wise with how we use it and make sure that we're using it. And it is not using us. Yeah, because as a lot of people out there that they're being totally just by their homes.
spk_1: 48:49
And so that brings me to my final question. What is wrong? It's a reality means to you. Well, that's
spk_0: 48:56
a interesting question. Um, I don't know, man uh, expound upon that cushion a little more like, Are you asking me what the podcast means? You
spk_1: 49:07
know that. Well, Ron, it's a reality started as a concept, Okay? It became a podcast after I needed a name for a podcast. Yeah, I thought it's a great name. Thank you. So I could give you a little bit of background on where it came from, and that might help you. So I had a class, uh, in my junior year. Dechaine. Yeah. And it was called Star Trek and philosophy and started tricking philosophy. We got Star Trek. And plus we okay, we got to watch Star Trek videos and talk about the philosophical implications that were going on in the videos and in one of the videos episodes, TV show. Ah, this man is mortal. So we had to write a paper and obey the idea of immortality. Yeah, I love creating my own concepts when it came to, like, school papers and things like and I thought like if I could create, like, different things and, like, really have an argument for them, my teachers would respect that. And a lot of the times I got good grades in because I could make an argument. And so debating the eyes area. Okay, Ugo. Sorry, I, uh, debating the idea of immortality. I came up with this concept rawness of reality. Ron, this a reality to me. Anyway, it's about the moments that happened. Toast those individuals that may go unnoticed, the whole of society. But those moments create our world view and who we are and throw time. Uh, we can only have so many of these moments until we die, because time is endless until you're dead. It's It's embracing these individual moments in which create this. But if we were immortal, we couldn't have these moments over and over. Or we could We would only have these moments over and over again until I don't know where, immortal, but we could never die. So they don't become a cz meaningful. Yeah, if they're happening every every now. Yeah. So rawness of reality is about internalizing those moments as they come and letting them influence and impact your
spk_0: 51:18
life, though. Cool that why you were saying that you definitely give me my answer. I think it's a little different, but
spk_1: 51:28
a zit should be because it's a concept in which anyone can take what? An internalized.
spk_0: 51:32
Yeah, I was gonna execute that point, but you made for me. But when you said Okay, so you said you asked me what honestly reality means to me. And then you also said your story. And you
spk_1: 51:44
talked about talking about Star Trek in Philosophies. So there's a black mirror episode. I
spk_0: 51:54
don't know if you've seen it, but there's a black mirror episode where a guy creates a virtual reality company and in the company
spk_1: 52:02
in the real world, he is pretty much you can go. Is everyone sheet on
spk_0: 52:09
the whole time in real life? But he's the co owner of the company, and may the other owner of the company is the guy that runs it all but didn't create anything. The guy that created everything is like the co owner
spk_1: 52:20
and then everybody treats and Mike, he's like a like a a
spk_0: 52:25
low end employee. So what he does is he has this own version of virtual reality world that he created that the whole world has access to. He has his own version that's a little bit more advanced, and it's private, in which he takes D N A from people in his office and then puts them into the the computer men into the world. And when they wake up, they're fully conscious and aware of who they were in the other world. But they're actually clone of themselves, right? But they're fully conscious And where and so he takes out everything that he feels in this world. He's riel, and you know, he's from the the the other world by he has the chip on his head or ever, And so he's got superpowers. And so nobody can, like, really do anything because he's connected to the room. They're all locked in this, right? So he tortures him in there. And I mean, he's a super mean to these people that aren't the ones actually doing the things out in the world. But they But they are in a sense to take all this stuff out on them, right? And so what I got from this and it's like Star Trek themed what? They're in the thing that they're in the It's like, uh, obviously an off brand Star Trek. And he's Captain Kirk.
spk_1: 53:43
Okay, Yeah, I think I have seen its episode?
spk_0: 53:45
Yeah, s O in the episode, They you know, he says all these terrible things And and I think that the point that I got from it was that we can never fully control anything or anyone, because in the end they end up escaping or whatever it is. And, you know, he ends up stuck in there like it's drooling on Christmas. It's it's kind of weird, but we can never fully control anything but ourselves. And the guy never stands up for himself in the real world, right? He never does anything in the real world, but he does everything in this world. He can fully have control. And so, for me, the rawness of reality is the fact that we can't control everything. It's that we can't possibly always get everything right, because if he had gotten everything right in the real world and had done certain things differently and done whatever, he would have never had the need for that, right? We can't. We just can't. We can't do that. But what we can do is grow and learn, because what you
spk_1: 54:56
recognizes in the time that he's had this
spk_0: 54:59
virtual reality thing, he could have been using that same time in the world is all he does is like, locked himself in room and do that and then go to work and locked himself in room In that same amount of time, he could have been working on the real him and how to better connect with people. Better get respect. Do you do all those things right? But instead, he went for the thing that you know, he had control over and to me, that speaks volumes to social media or whatever else we feel that we can have full control over. Or you know we can. We can escape the real world or whatever that when you're in reality and you are actually accepting what goes on around you and learning from it like we talked about earlier. And you're being aware like you're saying of the moments that you're in and using those moments for the next moment, you know, you know, I'm saying that that is the place That's the state that we live in, that everything that we think we want to happen well, actually happen out off. So I want to be respected by people I want to be wealthy. I wanna be whatever it's like that all is set up for you If you properly accept and learn from and are open to your current experiences is everybody that successful talks about the fact that you have to be happy now in order to be happy later, you have to be driven now in order to be driven later like some people think. Oh, you know, when I get signed, then I'll really put in the work. Or then I won't have to work. And so the drive is to not work when that's all wrong, right? So the rawness of reality to me, just that statement is the fact that everything going around you on around you is uncontrollable yet also fully teachable moments. So everything that happened to me from this moment here today, everything in this room to everything that happened in this room is something that I can learn from and then be better tomorrow, right myself. That's all I could never control is what I do tomorrow. I can't control everything about today. But I can control what I do tomorrow if I properly learn from today.
spk_1: 57:07
All right. This is it. e have fun. Thank you, man. Had someone appreciate thanks for coming on talking Thio.
spk_0: 57:16
Like where? Your minds that
spk_1: 57:17
Thank you, Jordan as well. All right, we'll see you guys. Dope. Indeed. I enjoyed speaking with Cole and I hope you were all engaged. Listen. If so, please subscribe to our channel Radius five stars and leave. Some reviews are episodes can only get better from here and all the feedback helps tremendously and a big thank you to my campus, our production manager and Joeckel on the beats. And remember, stay raw with reality.