Rawness of Reality
Rawness of Reality
Pittsburgh Icon - Jimmy Jo Bucek #007
In this episode, you have the opportunity to meet our Pittsburgh local artist and icon Jimmy Jo Bucek. Jimmy is the lead singer of the band The Uptown Woods and has released his first album Open for Business. He pushes through the surface level of thinking by continually creating and thinking outside the norms of our westernized society. ////
Jimmy Jo Bucek:
IG: @jimmyjobucek
Spotify: Jimmy Jo Bucek
Host: Kevin Stalker / @kstalker9 /
Production Manager: Mike Kampas / @kampasm
Beats: Joe Cal / @josephj_callahan
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Remember, Stay Raw with Reality
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I say in the song is like you either black white or mixed. It's like That's not how it has to be. I know we are all people.
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Welcome to Episode 007 for rawness of In this episode, you have the opportunity to meet Pittsburgh Jimmy, Jimmy Joe's toe lead emcee of Uptown Woods, and has also just released his own solo expedition called Open for Business. You can check that out on Spotify. Jimmie Joe is a great individual, but honestly, I bet you're tired of hearing from me. Here's Jimmy Joe
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music Jimmy job, You sick or Jim Bob because I know yours, Jim. Yeah. I mean, call me whatever you want, Okay, But I haven't go my Jimmy Joe. I kind of switched my artist's name about like, six months ago. I just wanted to go buy a name like my actual birth name that I was recognized that way, like later in my career. I wouldn't have any problems with people finding me and stuff like that. Easier Locate also, like, got real in the jazz at the end of college, and I think that had a big influence on the name switch to just like Okay, how much is used? My name? Why do I need to have a stage name? Doesn't it make sense? And what was your stage? It was supplant supplant, which I still love. I love the name, theme and meaning behind that idea, and I'm probably do something album oriented with that title. But in terms of like my artist identity, I think it just makes sense, for it's just be Jimmy Joe. You sick? Because it was, like, also what my mom would call me when I was little stake. Jimmie Joe, my James. It's just, like, kind of cute, too. Okay, well, what's the meaning behind supplant? Supplant? Yeah, is Actually it's like the Hebrew translation of Joseph, which was supplant er to, like, supersede and replace, because that's kind of like what Joseph did with the whole story of the Bible, which I love all the meaning behind that. But yeah, Jimmy Joe kind of just sticks. It's nice to cause a lot of people think I got the name because my dad's name is Jim. But actually, my dad moved out of the city like the year I was born, and he spent a year and 1/2 traveling from Spring Hill to cranberry with his two friends, Jim Hoover in Jodorowsky, and they helped him build a house over a year and 1/2. So that's kind of That's where I got my name calling from him. Yeah, Jim and Joe. So it wasn't actually like my dad's, because everyone's like, Oh, it's just like, Do you like your new? Yeah. I mean, it's a just a question. Yeah, but that's definitely I feel like everyone thinks about that at one point. Like Oh, my name. Like how fucked in my hands. Stay there like you know what I mean? All right. So yeah. Thanks for coming on the day without thank you for having me personally have kept up with your music since you were a decanter. You've graduated. Yeah. Congrats on that. Feels great. Yeah, that Hey, Like I said, I've kept up with your music, and I know a lot of do cane students have, And now Pittsburghers actually keep over their music, and it's really cool. Seeing you won. You're a part of uptown woods. And two, you've kind of just, like, very often, like you're doing your own thing now is Jimmy. Jab, you sick and your style is awesome. A thank you, ma'am, but I was listening to open for business. Yeah, this past week on. Repeat a lot, eh? Because for one, I want to get an idea is like, who I'm talking to. I know you well. But I also want to know you through your music. Yeah, that's and and so that brings me to my first, like, real question here. And it's like, Could you name just one moment that had the most profound influence on you and your music? Wow, that's tough. That's a good one, though. That's a great one. I would say some of them remember this moment. We're playing at the Zenith February 24th 2015. Stop time, Woods yet with the uptown woods. And I remember playing that set and being so lost. And since then it had happened a couple times. But there was something so beautiful about that moment, just like creating in the moment with, like, fellow like creative minds and being able to contribute to something that was in the moment and could never be created the same way again, like something about that. Like I just had the realization I was like, Wow, this is really special right now And I think that was one of I'd say, definitely one of the most profound moments of performing music. There's definitely been other moments of life. Great. It felt like great accolades and accomplishment. But I'd say that was one of the most I guess raw moments. We'll put it, put it where I was. Just like, Wow, this is like, This is special. Could you tell us a defining year for you in which you know, music? Waas One of your passions. That's a good one. I mean, my first released music when I was in high school. I remember I came into school and I was like, I told my friends I was like, Hey, I got something for you guys to laugh at because I knew everyone was gonna just cut up on me. Sound was not good. Like I didn't go into a studio, probably recorded it like on my like phone or like a laptop microphone. It sounds like shit, but I was so excited. I was. So I think you remember that song, Um, by Tiger that song faded. Yeah, yeah. Either a bomb tiger at a time. I had a remix of that and, like, a remix of Like, teach me how to Dougie and like some other track, are released him on, like, way back when. But that was what, One of the first times I like released music, and it's still up there. If anyone wants to go look for you, it's gonna be hard to find, though. I'm not gonna tell you. I'm not gonna tell me. Oh, I'm entry. I'm left it up there that I thought many times about taking it down because it like those no good at all. But I think I think it's a cool little gem. If someone were ever to stumble upon it and put it all together, they'd be like, Wow, like what? A progression. Something something that makes me think about. So you said like, the first time you put out music you showed your friends and you approach them as if it were a joke. But what you just said here was that you were proud of it. And and you're not a comedian. I mean, you're funny guy, but you're not a comedian. So when do you first approach them? Did you? I just came into school like the next guy, like, had all the ideas, did it and then just, like, posted it and came in the next day. It was like, Hey, like, did you want them to joke about it? All right. Did you know, I knew. I think that was probably the safe approach because of ought to come in like, Oh, yo, I'm rapping now, Rose, Like, check this out. I think that they would have been a Yeah, Yeah. So I think that was probably getting on the phone because I knew, like, my recording quality at the time was not professional. So you took yourself seriously than that. Oh, yeah. One. Did others start to take you seriously? That's a good question. I think whenever I came to college, I think in high school everybody they like knew I wanted to do music. But I also think I didn't really know how I was gonna do it yet be a do cane. I was able to meet so many creative minds and talented musicians that I still work with today. Those connections and friendships that was honestly, what I paid for formed. You can't like. I didn't pay for the education. Those connections were invaluable. So I think that's whenever being like then, like an emcee for, like, a jazz band that all is like, um, like a renowned school coming from really great cats. I think that's whatever. People started to take the music a lot more seriously. And then I was like, Okay, well, now that people are taking me seriously, I can release my own solo stuff So I think that's that's probably how that all progress. That's a great question, though, because it is interesting to see how like things slowly developed. I don't because come internally, too. Yeah, it matters about for one. We can weaken, instill confidence in ourselves. But when we put something authentic and unique out to the world and we're younger, older, no matter what age were when we put something unique out, it's it's a vulnerable thing for you. And if if people joke about it well, if you approach them as if it were a joke, then it's less vulnerable. But once you're serious and they're still joking, Bond, it's like, Yeah, I think so, Yes. So that you have the support from people you've met through Do Cane and and the area, you know, that's definitely to something that took a while to develop, like confidence. I'd be like, That's what took me so long to release my solo stuff was because I had released our I've been working with, like, the Uptown Woods for a while. But then I finally felt I was like, you know, this. Like what I'm doing. I like this, and I love this and I think it's dope And what other people think does not matter. Like they could tell me to my face like it sucks And I'd be like, Cool. Like, I'm glad that you told me And like I would take away from that, I would take away from it. And if you have any constructive feedback as toe wide sucks, I'd love to hear it. But, um, it really wouldn't like it wouldn't bother me, You know what I mean? I get it. I remember we played like battle of the bands, too. I was still in college. So, like, two years ago, and I remember one of the police officers asked me. I was just standing there and he was like, Are you? Are you nervous? And I don't even like, think about the response. I just kind of said it. I was like, Oh, man, not at all is like what we're about to do is gonna be so beautiful and it's never gonna happen again. He was just like I was like, That's how I felt that I was like So I was definitely a peak of a peak of my confidence to I think I simmer down a bit, that which is good. It's good to go through finding the line between overconfidence and on the confidence in music. I think it's huge because you see a lot of people trying to post things every day and as much as they can, and that's great. But I think it's also good to be thorough with your content and only releasing like the best stuff that makes sense. I got this loop pedal probably six months ago, and it just allows you to like layer different sounds. I have a music synthesizer, so all the friends coming over that's kind of like our Xbox and our history. We like we'll put together a loop, and sometimes you only have 10 minutes, sometimes work together. But we're gonna release all of these loops that we've been recording, probably in, like the next month. Under the title Public Loophole will be the artist's name, and we probably had 300 plus loops when we started going through them and laced listening being like, OK, do we like this? We're not what's and now we're down to 58 and probably do another vetting to before we release them. Is it collective on if you all like it or if you all don't? So we said it started off a za mix, but then towards the end, we said, We need a yes from everybody. That way there's no question of if we like it or not, which I think was a That was a great move, because now, like we just was pretty set on everything. You're in it together than to everywhere. It's like everyone that is in the uptown Woods has been making them. We're just gonna release under like, a different name because it's not, um, whenever you're doing the loops, you're layering sound on top of sound and there's no chance to mix the sounds properly because there's no individual instrument tracks. It's just one file, so we can master them. But the point of the loop is for it to be like a quick idea. Um, and it's the workflow is so efficient. We're not trying, like, go in, record each instrument, then go back. Chop at it. It's just kind of like their as is if you don't like something about it. But it probably didn't make the cut. Okay, so it's very it's very quickly. That's why we're able to make so many. I think I'll let you know. Whatever it's, it's strong. Please. I like I said, I really loved listening to your music. You your style reminds of Anderson pack. Okay, listen. Yeah, he's great. Is a great album. Just came out. Oxnard. So I have a question about one of your soul song. So please, August, August, August. I really like it. Yeah, and it hits on recent events in the city of Pittsburgh as well, especially towards the end of it. What you say you even have snippets of people speaking up at the Antoine Rose Marches are that we're in the city, and I I just wanted to know what motivated the track. August. And I encourage any listeners go out there on Spotify. Jimmy job. You sick? Open for business. Has his album released February 9th of this past year Track August. I definitely recommend so thank you. Thank you. Um, yeah, that That track? Yeah, that Antoine Rose shooting in July. Very, very powerful for a lot of people. I knew police brutality was a very serious thing that was taking place still in America today. But I don't think I had taken the time to really research and see how bad it waas. And then when I watched the video, I just felt so cold, I felt, I don't know, I just I couldn't believe Shaun King. He's a journalist, post a lot of great content, and he posted the whole video. That was one of the craziest things I've watched because I had seen the video. But on all the new stations that weren't releasing the whole video, they're only releasing, like, 10 seconds of him being shot. They didn't release after the shot. You hear the one police officer like, say profound things using like n word hard R And there was just it was in cold blood and there was no place for that action or language and seeing all that. And then I have a couple friends. Britney shan't how that's very involved with helping orchestrate and being part of those protests and rallies and seeing her like, post about it. And then I just kind of became, I don't know, it just I went into, like, a like a whole right after that day, like I started facebooking googling anything I could find about the case because I wanted all the facts like I didn't want to just get so worked up about something if, like, there wasn't need to be worked up about it. You know, like, and I do understand everything in the case, and I do understand the verdict and I still think it's wrong. Um, you kind of knew hey was going to be acquitted. I mean, you're someone came out before the case and you, you in in your song, you say something about all officers being acquitted, and it's very good because it's very true thing, and that's like I would go down to the protests, and I've never It was such a powerful experience for me because, you see, you see these strong black women that have lost Children and there are there supporting Antoine Rose's mother trying to comfort her because they've been through the same thing and like they all had a story about how they lost their son. And it was just so I opening and like, so powerful and moving to see his mother just crying like, What do you say? What do you say to that woman? You know, I have no words for yeah, like she's probably looking at, I don't know. It just it. The whole subject is so moving and powerful, and I I felt ashamed how many times I went down and only saw, like a handful of white people with the protests like, we need to come together as a society to say, This isn't okay, all races. That's what's gonna make it powerful when we come together. So I I really was so moved by all of going down to the protests and being part of all of that. But I I made the song August Um, yeah, yes, I guess that's that's how it came to be. I think the part about the acquittal that came from a lot of the words like those black women leaders in black ops that they would've, they would tell us they would say, like we need to be out here every day until he's convicted They say he's charged he's gonna get acquitted like we need to be out here until he is convicted. And sure enough, when he was acquitted, Yeah, so I find it interesting that you said that in a song you had on this where it's not really about race and people don't talk really about heritage, and and I I like what you said about that because it's not about race. And yes, we come from different heritages, but we make it so much about Ray's. Yeah, it's like you're the I say in the song is like you, either black white or mixed. It's like that's not how it has to be. I know we're all people, but yeah, that's that's a lot of what that album, I think, strives to try toe and still thoughts and people of of equality and peace. What's your favorite song on the album. That's tough. I really like Oh, I guess, And living the dream Those the two ones we just talked about I really like 500 as well. That song means a lot to me. I like how you incorporate different medias and to like what I mean by that is it's not just your voice like you hear news announced and different like you started off with. So when I ask you a question, I can't remember the question. OK? What are ya what's your opinion? What do you say? What it's about you? Yeah, that's actually my friend Garrett Schaefer in Ross Antonitsch. They produce all the beats, the rap on my solo projects. I think Garret Schaefer made that beat and he's been his incorporated a lot of those little vocal chops into some of the beats. So there'll be more of those. And that one was one that I wasn't me talking whenever he was like So what's your opinion That he found that on some vinyl record and then sample? Yeah. I really like you. Yeah, Yeah. Ross and Garrett both have MP seas, and, um, the analog feel is raw on his left. Is nothing to change about that. That's definitely there to stay. Okay, so what pressures are on you as a lead singer? Oh, don't fuck it up. Not too much like I don't know the guy. The guy's a real cool. I'm like friends with all of them, too. So it's just like playing with, um, playing with your friends. It's really that's really relaxed. Nothing crazy. I feel comfortable around them, too. Like I'm able to be myself. I'm able to kind of go for it. Um, I definitely take take it very seriously because I know the caliber of the musicians that I am playing with, and I know how hard they work. So knowing that sometimes I'll definitely like from my always remind myself like I am, I've always viewed it. I am honored to play with all of those musicians. I'd never look at it. I feel like a lot of EMC's, um, singers will look at it the other way. Oh, the band. They're so lucky to play with me. It's like no, like I look at it the unlike while I am privileged to play their humble used yes, oh, absolutely feel so humble. There are geniuses. They're so smart. You guys really play well together and people will enjoy your music. I think there was a day it was like a do cane. Doesn't hate a Oh, yeah, we've done on a walk on a Well, you've done a quite a bit on. Yeah, I've done some eight walk thing. Yeah, but I remember I just remember that they specifically were supposed to have a hate group coming to campus and people reached out to you guys to play and your music. Waas was lifting, but not because it's uplifting music. It was just uplifting the here, You know what I mean? Like like the feeling it instills in people. It's just it's It's like a calming. It's like when I look at a blue sky. Okay. Is nice. Yeah. God damn. God is good. Yeah. Yeah. I just remember people feeling at ease knowing that you guys were playing over there and, uh, yeah, it was, like, really cool. So thank you. Thank you. You're welcome. Eso what does one thing your mom has taught you? I'm definitely a mama's boy. Um my mom went to the wheeler school, which was like practicing your etiquette and stuff like that, I think, Um, apart from like, where the silverware goes on the table, Uh, I'd say one important thing that my mom taught me was to never mix your patterns. So don't be wearing, like, striped pants with, like, a like a dotted shirt. I think that was huge. Because I see So I'll see you happen every once a month and in my head I'm like, Oh, that's a no no. Their mom told me that I'd be like him that his hip. I'm about to go get me like a polka dot shirts and rockem. Okay, let's go like that. Uh, I don't know if I have not addressed myself, but it's Yeah, it is so tough. Yeah, I honestly I prefer free share. It's like from from like like I like doing like like, nonprofit events. I don't do it for them free shirts, but I think you enjoy the free shirts. You guys know Godfrey shirts. I guess I can't do this. How would you make money at an ice cream stand in Market Square? Maybe have a couple naked women serving the ice cream? I probably like go over Well, what's, like, one legal way you do it? I think that's legal. Is it if the stand was closed? Okay, maybe I support public nudity is responsive by a strip club. Yeah, if it was like a closed off ice cream parlor. You know, like the big circle that's down there. If you just had, like, a little, like photo booth, it will be like it says ice cream. But like, I don't know as I know No, no, no, no. There's ice cream in there. Naked women gets tight. Go, go. I feel like you make millions. Okay, e think you're on to something. Okay, so I'm gonna fire off like a few quick questions, okay? Just hit me with some quick answers. One super power you could have. Oh, if I could hold my breath for as long as I wanted, that would be cool. But it just like project, uh, like forever. Yeah, if I wanted, that would be nice. Not having to worry about really breathing. I don't know how that would work vocally, but I could be cool. Okay. Favorite jazz musician. Oh, Jerry Mulligan. Number one place. You'd love to visit Australia. Favorite garbage bag brand. Oh, wow. Glad favorite painting. I have to pick someone that's dead. I have too many painter friends Do enough and then we'll go any well, safe. Okay, that is a safe pain. And what is rawness of reality mean to you, Uh, rawness of reality, I think I think those those moments that happen in life whenever you like, you know what's going on. But not everybody knows what's going on. Um, and I think a lot of times something comical can be found out of those moments. So, like, I recently started doing working at Fox Tail, the new nightclub in South Side, I wasn't really trying. I was my main passion. Love is making music, but via financial opportunity, I started working there. Then the lighting director left kind of inherited the lighting director's responsibilities. Sonam, they're much more often. But long story short, I get acclimated with the program because they have a very in depth, expensive system. There s oh, there were a couple times the first weekends the system would crash. So, like the lights are doing all these crazy things like different colors. A strobe in it looks like greats phenomenal, and then system would crash. And all this, like all lights, would just stop. And then there was just like the one light on. And it just be like a white spotlight. And it just be going around the crowd, like circling around around, like while I'm trying to fix everything up in my head. I'm like, Yes, no, we bought illegal stuff like, How do I fix this? But I mean, like, I'm freaking out. Yeah. And I saw a picture of video or a boomerang off when that happened, like on their social media. So, like, people must have just thought it was intentional. And they're like, Oh, wow, everything's blacked out except that one light. It's going around like circles like tight. But that was like, not intentional, You know what I mean? So I think moments like that where it could be like a slight hiccup, but it works. And if it goes unnoticed, it might even be cool to some people. Yeah, because I think we have, like, a lot of good things that happen via mistakes in humankind. Is them how it made champagne or something? Like I think that's how champagne was made. Okay, maybe. Factcheck way. Always factcheck people. Ladies. Yeah. And so is there any anything you want to tell our listeners before we end about upcoming shows doing so? The uptown woods is over at the cigar bar burned by Rocky Patel on Saturdays. We're not here this 30th coming up. Rick Gilbert isn't, but we will be there consistently Saturdays. Um, April through August, at least as of now. So I invite anyone to come check out. Um, our band over there do a lot of jazz, and that's another short. Yes, Yes. And then I also would say Stay tuned. I'm about to be dropping some solo music very soon. I got an album coming out. The album is gonna be titled Dry, Not Wet. And I haven't released that yet, So that's for all the listeners out there. Stay tuned. Dry, Not wet. Oh, probably be out in a couple months. Alright. Drying on. What? You're it? We're
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out again. I enjoy talking to me. You guys enjoy subscribe. Also, don't forget to go to Apple's greatest five stars. Right? You on instagram now open to constructive criticism. Thank you, Mike. Can't production manager Joe cow and remember, stay raw with really