Rawness of Reality
Rawness of Reality
Raw and Real w/ Production Manager - Mike Kampas #005
In this episode, you have the opportunity to meet our production manager Mike Kampas. Mike has put in countless hours to make sure our sound and production runs smoothly.
We talk about issues extremely personal to ourselves and things we thoroughly enjoy. /////
Host: Kevin Stalker / @kstalker9 /
Production Manager: Mike Kampas / @kampasm
Beats: Joe Cal / @josephj_callahan
Don't forget to subscribe, follow us on Instagram @_rawnessofreality, Snapchat @Rawnessreality, and Twitter @rawreality_
Remember, Stay Raw with Reality
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the loss in our life that has created who we are today along with many other things. But with that, creating who we are today makes us better for the person that will be tomorrow. Welcome to Episode 0054 Rawness of reality. I'm your host, Kevin Stock. Today I had the privilege to sit down with our production manager. Mike, Can we talk about issues that are pretty personal to ourselves and just some things we really like? But enough from me. Here's Mike Campus check One check two. All right. Today we've got Mike on the mic today. That means Mike, campus production manager of Rawness of Reality. Mike, you want to give a quick Hello? Hello, everybody. That was very quick. I thought he'd say something. You said
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quick alone. I thought I would give you a very quick Hello.
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All right. All right. So today, Mike and I, we're just gonna have an old fashioned chat. What was it like to be depressed?
spk_1: 1:07
Well, that's Ah, I I think it's pretty much the same for everybody. You think of all the things that you used to like to do and all the things that you would want to be doing in the meantime, but the only thing that your body will allow you to do is just to like, lie down and you just don't want to think you don't wantto eat. You don't wanna do anything that, like is pretty much work for your body, you know, So it's pretty much like in the way it affects. Their brain is just, totally, like brings down the melatonin brings down, you know, all the kind of social drives that you would have in in, you know, regular day to day life. It's it's a low place, man. It's a loan place, and I feel like a lot of people out there would would sort of agree with that kind of.
spk_0: 1:55
So you started off by saying It's kind of the same for everybody. Do do you genuinely think each of us Asuman beings handle depression the same or we handle depression. But the way we handle depression is differently. I
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feel like we experience depression in the same way, but we all handle it in our own unique way. If you're presented a problem, you would have your own sets of solutions and ideas toe to deal with that. It's the same way with any kind of mental position that you're in, you know, like you can like. Overall, you're gonna have the same experience baseline from everybody else. But the way that you deal with it is uniquely your own, and I feel like that's sort of the same for any kind of problem that you would face in your life.
spk_0: 2:40
Our culture is reaction area.
spk_1: 2:44
Can you elaborate?
spk_0: 2:45
Yeah. So when the majority of an ideologist take Americans Ah, the Western eyes culture. For example, When the majority of Western civilization wake up, they pick up their phone. And once they pick up their phone, they either have notifications on their phone or or they don't. Most people have notifications. Notifications don't have to be a text message. Your phone call. It could be even an email from a spam, but they have some sort of notifications. Contact some, some sort of contact that shows up on their screens so instantly. Let's say you wake up at 6 15 every day, and at 6 15 every day you look at your phone. You then are reacting to your phone. Uh, so so as you wake up and you react to your phone and you you respond to your notifications or you clear them and you plan on going back to them. You still have just reacted. Two. These notifications. Now some people don't look at their phone when they wake up. And I would say the majority of Westernized civilizations do, however, look at their phone. But to the few who don't look at your phone, I applaud you. And the reason why is because they're giving them the Amish. Those people are giving themselves an opportunity to react to their thought, to react to their own being.
spk_1: 4:34
Oh, that's that's so valuable these days.
spk_0: 4:37
Well, that's that's my point. So
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and nobody's bored anymore. Dude, nobody's bored.
spk_0: 4:43
I disagree with that. So people, people then react to their thought. I'll get I'll get to why? I disagree with why people aren't bored. But people who don't react to their notifications or their phone give themselves an ability to B, And when you have an ability to be and be yourself in the moment, then you can have you can have a clear head, and with that clear mind, you can then get ready for the day ahead and examine you. And then you can be ready to react to how the day approaches you. But you are now approaching the day with your own immediate action. You said nobody get gets bored anymore.
spk_1: 5:27
What I meant by that
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was that
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was just sorry for what I What I meant by that was that nobody takes time to just be alone with their thoughts.
spk_0: 5:37
I disagree. That's you. Can't we'll put these. Well, listen, listen, You can't say nobody or everybody. You have to be conscious. And the fact that there are individuals out there who do take time and their thought, there are people who strive to meditate. Maybe they're not the best meditators, but they strive to meditate. There are people who drive everybody well, you said everybody.
spk_1: 6:05
I I No, I meant most or the majority. I see it more as like
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the majority of whom
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mostly mostly our age group between the ages of are
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18 and 28. That's a 10 year gap of age.
spk_1: 6:21
I won't go even earlier than that. Like even even Children these days, dude like they think about like their whole life has been engulfed in the age of Google, Facebook and everything else that is like, just, you know, shaking you for your attention tryingto
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if Look, if those Children are socialized into that and you're right, if you could relive your life, what would you do differently? Well, you can't relive your life, Mike. So what would you do differently from today? Moving forward, Toa have the life you want to live tomorrow?
spk_1: 7:05
Well, I guess I would need some kind of goal in mind, Some kind of idea of a future self that I would want to someday obtain. Um, I guess all you can do is sort of put a plan in motion and start doing little steps that will get you towards a larger goal. Because that's how that's how you accomplish anything in life. You know, like you don't you don't.
spk_0: 7:34
So you're heading on. The idea of you would today create sub goals to accomplish your overarching goal
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100%. That's how I accomplish anything in my life one step after the other. You know, you might you're gonna have. So if you're in a business, that and you're gonna have, you know, a certain set of tasks you have that accomplish by a certain deadline, and they expect youto be able to do those tasks you know, in order in the right way, every time. Repeatedly, it's still the same. It's just one sub goal. After the other little things, you know, they pile up and then you end up getting better and better as Ugo and I feel like That's kind of the the path of learning that everybody goes in their life. What's your What's your favorite food? Kevin,
spk_0: 8:20
My favorite food is shrimp talkers. Interesting. I will go out of my way, no matter where I am, no matter what city country, no matter where I am, if there are shrimp talkers
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I have ever experienced, like extreme loss at any point in your life.
spk_0: 8:42
Mmm. I have experienced extreme loss and a lot of my life, and there has been different types of loss that I have experienced. Which
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one? Which one influence to you as a person the most.
spk_0: 9:00
Mmm. So I don't know if one specific type of loss has influenced me as a person more than the other. But one loss that's coming to mind is when I was about Southerner. Eight. I want to say I was seven. I was in my room and my my home had, Ah, police lights and an ambulance lights going on outside of it. And I remember waking up in the middle of the night. I and I hear my brother Rob. He goes, It's not It's not for us. Guys go to sleep, go to sleep, guys. And so we want to sleep my brothers and I And then the next morning we woke up. I remember being told my father had died at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of him, and that morning my brother, Rob I got up in my face and said, Kevin, Kevin, why? Why aren't you crying right now? Why are you crying? And I just remember him saying that and me thinking to myself, I don't know. I don't know why I'm not kind, and that was always a difficult moment for me to come to terms with, because I did. I wanted to cry in that moment, but I couldn't Maybe, maybe as a child, I couldn't fathom the idea of losing my father.
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The gravity of the situation.
spk_0: 10:55
I just don't know if I don't know if I really understood the gravity of the situation and as time went on a little after that, remember resenting my dad for leaving us and resenting all things that we're surrounded by the image of my father. I I learned to grow past that and forgive him because it's not his fault. He left and I had to come to terms with it. I couldn't ignore it, but I had to come to terms of it. And as I came to terms with it, I became so much more of a person. I I felt so much better. And there were nights as I was growing up that I would sit in my room and think about my father and what my life would have been like if he would have been there in my life. And I would cry the in those moments, I cry myself to sleep some nights thinking about it, and it really, really shut a lot of light on the impacts loss had on my life.
spk_1: 12:23
God bless you. I'm sorry. I did.
spk_0: 12:25
God bless you, too. I mean, we all go through different obstacles, and we all experience different types of pain and different types of loss. Ah, that creates our worldview. I would never wish loss upon anyone as an individual, but I would say that it was the loss in our life that has created who we are today, along with many other things. But with that, creating who we are today makes us better for the person that will be tomorrow.
spk_1: 13:03
If your everyday experiences are the hammer and chisel on your statue of life, I guess loss could be the dynamite, you know, and as so much power, it's just
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but see with that being dynamite, sometimes you don't know exactly how much dynamite is going to make an impact. So if you let your loss be dynamite, you might lose a little bit more of yourself than needed. Well said. So coming to terms with that loss and not letting it just explode on you will be more beneficial for you as an individual been letting your dynamite just explode. So regardless of how much loss or what the losses in your life, I would say keep remember in tow. Keep that chisel working because you don't need to jump out of pocket and use the dynamite.
spk_1: 14:07
Yeah, and your statue of life is never gonna be perfect.
spk_0: 14:13
Oh, so nothing will ever be perfect.
spk_1: 14:15
Nothing is perfect. You know, you all it is is Ah, there's a long series of work. Oh, yeah, you're you work on yourself, you work on other people, you help other people to work on themselves. And that's part of being alive. That's part of being yourself. And that's part of growing as a
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just gotta be you because nobody else is better. I ah, all right, Mike. Yeah, yeah.
spk_1: 14:52
Lost for words. That was a very powerful story. I can I can appreciate a good a good story about when somebody, when their life changed. You know, when we're talking about the idea of love and not not just loving the traditional Western sense love for you know your place, the people around you, um, yourself, you can't go wrong with just on conditional love for everything in your life, Even if it might seem like it's bad or it's something that you would feel quick to hate about. You know, maybe somebody's personality or
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praising comes up to here you still got to show them love?
spk_1: 15:45
Absolutely. The best way to live your life is the only if you hate somebody just by you know how they approach you or how you for any reason at all. That's gonna the only thing that can, you know result in is conflict. Maybe not the only thing, but it's something that happens more often than not. You know that if we put up divisions between, you know either people, countries, neighborhoods, whatever that border is this is that the center of any conflict that's gonna be between the two, you know, parties. It's so the only way that I feel is the best for humanity. To strive towards is place of unconditional and just total love.
spk_0: 16:38
So you're saying the way to put human back in humanity is to express unconditional love even landed even when you don't I want to. Yes, even when it it pains you to do it
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100% because it made you who you are
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today. Now I want to be really, really agree. Exactly. I have endured a handful of hardships, as we all have, and I would always say and I will always say that is those moments in our lives that have created who we are today. And if we push out those moments and we cover them up, well, then we're not fully who we are today, and we will not be Who would need to be for tomorrow?
spk_1: 17:35
I'm right there with you, man.
spk_0: 17:36
What's up? Let's get this on a little bit of a lighter topic, please. Let's let's move
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on to something a little bit. Uh,
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okay. So I'm gonna ask Mike some quick questions before we end here. So my favorite band,
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I'll have a favor,
spk_0: 17:53
All right. No favorite band. Favorite music genre.
spk_1: 17:57
Um, that's tough. Elektronik.
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Okay, favorite podcaster.
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Joe Rogan. 100% shot. The Joe Rogan favorite painter. I would have to say Pablo Picasso.
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Favorite knitter. My mom? Yeah, she's a Swedish. Out my mom's favorite movie director.
spk_1: 18:23
Ah, shit. Fucking Edgar Wright. I can't get into it right now. But, Edgar fucking right.
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Favorite sports team. Any sport Pittsburgh Steelers, baby. And if there's one thing you could tell our listeners today, what would it be?
spk_1: 18:41
Follow your gut feeling, no matter what.
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Okay. And what is rawness of reality mean? to you.
spk_1: 18:47
Rawness of reality is a deeper look into what it means to be human. Between the lines between your instagram account between your Facebook, between anything else that you might show on the outside. It's what's real about yourself,
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okay? And so just want to say a big thanks to Mike for chanted up you and remember my campus production manager. So you guys, next time we'll see you, everyone, thank you for tuning in for another episode of rawness of my name is my campus and I'm the guy that is usually running the sound booth. It was great to be on the mic for this one. Our episodes can only get better from here, and I can't wait to join you guys again. Big, thanks to our host, Kevin Stocker and Joe Cow on the Beats. And remember, stay raw with reality.